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This is literally out of boredom again, bruh. And also, in 4 days the voting will be closed off. So pick your favorites quick.

Ep.41 - Dining

Not a lot has happened in the following days, but sometimes, it's just Wade eating Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Until I found the time of when I'll be going to the Tower.

Nat being her, told me that I should go with her for the surprise. And this is the time where Nat and Wanda went to shopping. I have about 5 hours to pack everything, my uncles bought me. But with the help of Matt, Wade being emotional as ever.

The time came and Nat and Wanda were beside me in front of the Tower. Each one of us, holding a bag. Nat has the shopping bags while both Wanda and I got my bags.

"So Stark didn't destroy my room, yet?" I spoke.

"No, he haven't. He said, he wanted to let it stay locked unless you're actually alive, you know?" Wanda spoke. I just nodded before sighing.

"Let's stay away from any of them for now while we sneak to your room." Nat now spoke.

We started walking in. Eyes staring straight at me as we walked to the elevator.

Once were in, the voice I remember so well, protecting me from Stark once spoke.

"Ms. (Y/N)?"

"Hi Friday, I'm back and please don't say anything to the others, this is a surprise." I smiled at the ceiling.

"Yes, ms. Welcome back, ms. Romanoff and ms. Maximoff." The A.I responded.

We reached to the lounge floor, where my room was.

"Mr. Barnes and Mr. Banner are waiting for the elevator. I might need to put you to the roof." Friday said.

"Please do that." Nat quickly responded. The elevator speed up and we reach the roof almost 3 seconds after.

All of us immediately walked out, as the elevator closes. "Friday? Is my room still locked up?" I asked. Which the A.I responded in "Yes ms., but I can override myself to unlock it. If you're going to stay here."

"Yes, thank you." I spoke. After a while, the elevator opened up again. The three of us went in as silence approached us. We're now back in the lounge floor. The elevator opened and we sneaked  to the hallway to my room. Where my door was already wide open.

We went in and I smiled at the familiar room. Nothing exactly changed in the room. Everything is still the same.

I sighed once I dropped my bags beside the bed, immediately sitting on the bed. Wanda brought my bags down, next to the others.

"So when is this surprise going to be in motion?" Wanda asked.

"Oh, definitely tonight, especially since 'Ms. Stark' is in here." I spoke out of spite but in respond, my sickness seems to add up again.

"Friday? Is Morgan here?" I spoke.

"No, ms. Morgan is currently in Ms. Potts house. And yes, she does know about Mr. Stark's marriage. She frustrated at that fact." Friday responded. I just nodded before looking at the two.

"You two should go. I'll be unpacking for a bit and I'll be ready for dinner." I spoke in a wink. Wanda giggled and Nat replied with a wink aswell. "Good day."

They immediately went out and I intentionally locked the door. I started unpacking what I can until night time came. For some odd reason, my clothes smelled clean after being left for 3 years.

Then I saw the red dress, I have wore in my first mission. Why is it still there? I don't know but that's what I'm doing to wear to piss off Stark. I giggled to myself before taking a bath.

I was already done with my hair, just in time for Friday to say, "Ms. It's show time."

I laughed at Friday's humor. "Thank you, Friday." I took a deep breath before walking out of my room.

"Just a heads up, Ms. Ms. Potts and Morgan is here. Mr. Stark invited them for today's dinner." Friday spoke again as I continue to walk down the hallway, slowly and silently as I don't want to alert the super soldiers.

"This is going to be good." I whispered to myself, smirking again.

The chatters can be heard from the hallway. And once I walked past the living room, the chatters were now louder.

You ready? Yes I am.

"How's the commotion over here?" I spoke, leaning on the wall.

I chuckled at the expressions on their faces. The only one's smiling were Bruce, Nat, Wanda and Peter.

"(Y/N)!!" Morgan was the first one to respond, jumping out of her chair and running to me. I immediately hugged her. "Hey Morgan." I smiled.

"Mommy! It really is her!" Morgan yelled again, clinging to me like a koala. And that's when Clint and Bucky walked to me. 

I smiled at them. "Hey." I spoke before putting Morgan to the ground. She quickly run to Pepper, who's still shocked.

I looked back at them. Bucky pulled me to them, they both hugged me incredibly tight.

And that's when Loki teleported behind me and hugged me from behind.

"Oh god." I spoke in a chuckle. Once the three let go, I was lifted from the ground, being hugged again. "Thor!" I laughed.

After a minute or so. Everyone seems to go in to hug me except 'Ms.Stark' and Tony, himself. I was quite sad because of that but I couldn't bother.

"Hello again, Tony." I spoke, facing him. He just nodded as a respond. "And who are you exactly?" Ms. Stark spoke.

"Oh no one, just someone who you shouldn't mess with, especially the guy you're sitting on." I spoke, a smug look on my face, before grabbing both Clint's and Bucky's arm. Pulling them out of the dinning room. Thor and Loki immediately following behind.

"You're actually alive." Clint whispered again. I stopped on my tracks and turned to him and Bucky.

I just smiled. "To be honest, I thought I was a goner." I chuckled. He just lean his head to my shoulder before slowly wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Doll, we're incredibly sorry for leaving you there." Bucky now spoke.

"Buck, it's fine. BlackBlood is dangerous, and I know you're preparing." I smiled at him.

Without a warning, I felt soft lips on mine. They're needy but still has passion on them.

I melted instantly. I haven't felt this feeling since Tony. It's been a while. I smiled before looking at emerald green eyes.

"Hi Loki." I chuckled. "Hi, love." He responded back.

"Okay, boys. Go dress up, we're going on a date!" I chuckled. They seemed shock but Bucky, Clint and Thor stumbled to the elevator while Loki stayed behind, doing his illusion to wear a suit.

"A date?" He asked. I just nodded. "If Tony is going to play a game, how about let's play as well?" I spoke in a smirk. He just smirked back.

"Odin, I miss you so much." He spoke, before pulling me to him, hugging me like no tomorrow.

That's when my sickness immediately died down. I froze knowing what happened.

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