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Ep.25 - Mission successfully failed.

I finally got a good space to land in and to camouflage the jet. Before jumping out of it and get my bag. I got everything ready. I took a double check on where my weapons were and head out.

I got in where I'm supposed to hang out for a while. Well Fury told me too. This hotel seemed to be the closest to the central so I didn't complain.

I got in and check in as August Rupell. Thank you for Fury, but I could have thought of a smarter name like Fionna or something. Meh, he's the man.

I'm not surprised that I was reserved on the top floor near the rooftop's stairs. Finally got in to my room and laid down the soft mattress. Tomorrow is the time to spy on them.


The night approaches as Fury started ringing in my comms. I answered quickly as I was drying my hair from a small bath.

"Get ready." Was all Fury had to say before hanging up. I decided to wear Nat's gift, the revealing red dress and started packing up a small bag with the fake ID and all.

How can an 18 year old woman act like a 23+? Simple, drink it up.

I rolled my eyes at the thought before giggling at myself. I manage to hide my dagger in the dress which I was proud of, before heading out.


"ID." Was the only thing the guard said. "We'll someone's grumpy today, don't worry bud, I got it right here." I smirked at the guard before reaching in my bag to grab the fake ID.

I give him it which he took. I smiled at him, I already felt his eyes, looking up and down at me. Jeez, I feel disgusting.

He gave the ID back before letting me in. But before I could go in, the guard's hand sweep across my waist. I ignored it, pretending it never happened.

God, I feel so fucking disgusting. Why the fuck did I do this again?

I groaned internally before letting my eyes looked around for the target. Saw them. I smirked to myself before going in front of the bar, sitting near their table.

"Any beverage of choice, miss?" The bartender asked. "Whiskey's fine." I smiled at the bartender. They nodded before going back to work.

I felt eyes behind me, which I glance into. Great, they're staring. Just waiting for them to walk to me, then bingo. A guy from that same table walked up to the bartender and whispered something.

I waited a couple of minutes before the bartender spoke, giving two glasses of drinks.

"Your whiskey and plus another drink from a guy in table 7." They said, winking at me before running to other guy, mentioning for them.

I turned my head towards the table before tipping the other glass in the air to say 'thank you'. They smirked at me.

I slowly turned my head back before downing on my whiskey.

I felt movement behind me before an arm wrapped around my waist. "What's a fine gal like you doing here, hm?"

"Oh nothing, just wanted a time for myself." I smiled at the guy, which I noticed was not a member from table 7. I quickly put a smug face on before looking directly at the said table.

One familiar guy stared right into my soul before walking to me. I smiled at him and before the guy around me could react, he met a punch in the face. Making his grip around my waist loosen.

"Thank you." I said to him, which he responded by wrapping his arms around my waist. "Easy there, big boy." I smirked at him.

"Well, there is something for you to pay me back. Why don't you join me?" He said.

I wish I could punch you right now, but I can't so let's not do that.

I smiled at him. "Sure thing." He smirked before leaning a hand in front of me which I took and we walked towards their table.

"Hello boys." I waved at them which they nodded as a hi. I sat beside the familiar guy, leaning myself to him which he responded with wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Download complete."

"Maria, I need your help."

"What why?"

"I need you to use me in my mission."

"Use you? What do you mean?"

"Remember the scaning? Yeah. I'm going to be as close as I can to them while you scan each member."

"Are you sure with this?"

"I am, so please help me."

"Fine, let me get ready."

"Get away from her!" I heard a familiar yell behind me. There's no fucking way that he's here. THERE'S NO WAY!

"Or what?" The guy beside me said before we both turn around to face with the Iron man.

"Or I'll blast your entire face into infinity." Tony spoke before pulling me towards him.

"Tony, what the fuck?" I whispered-yell to him.

"(Y/N)? Is there a problem out there?" Maria spoke in my earpiece.

"You should say thank you." Tony growled at me before blasting near the table. Earning a flinch from everyone.

"We're going." He spoke again before pulling me with him. I didn't fought back since his grip on my arm was harder than being wrapped with chains around my body.

We finally got out of the bar which I noticed the guard, knocked out on the ground.

His grip tighting around my arm. It's hurting quite a bit right now. I whined, "Tony, you're hurting me. Stop it." I said but he didn't let go.

"Maria, Tony managed to get here." I whispered to myself as I fought with his grip. "Tony, it hurts!" I yelled at him.

He let go, turning to me. "Why were you there?" He growled at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, rubbing my arm. "What do you mean 'what do you mean'? Why were you in here and in that club, seemingly flirting with a guy?" He said, walking closer to me, making  himself look more intimidating than before.

"Because it's a mission, Fury needs information from those guys." I told him.

"Someone is approaching you, it's your mother and.. oh uh...Run."

"A mission? And you didn't even bother to tell Friday when you left your mom there, huh?!" He yelled at me.

"Stark, that's enough."


"They already won."

"Here in Adelaide road in London, we can see that Primrose Hill, behind me is on fire. Cizitens in the entire vicinity had already fled. Some are injured, and some didn't made it.

The firefighters had said that there were bombs under houses which got detonated, causing explosions after explosion, outlets to burst causing fire in this very vicinity.

Governments were called to send a few more firetrucks to- WOAH! That's a bomb right there! Get away! Get away!!"

I dropped my head before walking away. "Maria, meet me at the hotel." I whispered before running away from the three.

"(Y/N)!" Yelled by my mom but I didn't look back, just keep on running and running. I don't care if I'm on heels or not, I'm running the fuck out of there.

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