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Ep.11 - Almost tragedy

I just gave myself a sigh before going back to my room until an A.I. stopped me.

"Ms. (L/N), Director Fury wanted to talk to you downstairs in a personal meeting room. Shall I inform Mr. Stark about this? Director is currently waiting for your answer." I heard the A.I. making me stop reaching for my doorknob.

"Don't inform Tony and take me there." I quickly said, shocked that I let my mind speak to me.


"Ah, so you actually came.. without Stark?" I heard the one-eyed man said. "If I inform Tony about this, he would locked me in my room and say no to you and walk away." I said, raising my eyebrow as if conforming him that it was the truth.

"You're not lying." He spoke. I just smiled at him before nodding. "So what do you need, director?" I asked, looking at him in a straight face.

"I would like you to join SHIELD." He said. I looked at him as if he was joking, but without a hint of it in his eye, I already knew he was serious.

"But why? I basically don't know how to fight." I said. "You do, you just don't do it more often, the times were you fought guys who were bullying Ms. Brant? Or the times your mother almost die from an intruder. Remember?" He claimed.

I just stare at him with confusion. "How in the hell did you know about that?"

"I know my ways, (L/N). So my invitation? If you say yes, I'll have Agent Hill train you and to let you off Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton's eyes. They wouldn't know that you're an upcoming agent at SHIELD. If you say no, it's all up to you."

I thought of it in the moment. Well if I train I could protect mom more often, right? I could also be a secret agent! How wonderful was that?! Hmm.. I just can't tell anyone, they'll freak out. Not even Clint or Tony must knew about this. Ugh, fuck it. Yes!

"Sure, but everyone must not know about me, except you and Hill. And maybe Wanda and Loki if they read my mind." I said pointing out the Wanda and Loki thing. "Yes of course. I'll tell Maximoff and Laufeyson about your choice if they actually did read your mind. Now off you go before Stark got even more suspicions." He said, looking away from my direction.

I nodded before walking back the door, a couple of minutes. I'm already in the living lounge with everyone. I tried not to be more suspicious as I talk to Bucky, Bruce and Steve. I also told Friday not to talk about this to anyone, it's just it and I. The A.I. agreed before welcoming me back in the living lounge.

Peter and Tony questioned but Friday's respond was, I was in the rooftop having a thinking situation. I just smiled at them which Loki and Wanda thought was suspicious, they did read my mind but they aren't having suspicious thoughts. How interesting.

They just nodded like it was the truth, I already knew they'll talk to Fury later on.

I was talking to Bucky and Steve about their past life, not really paying attention to Tony who's sitting in a different couch, eyeing us with jealousy.

"Who in the hell took a bite of my chocolate?!" I heard Clint yelled in the kitchen. All of us looked at each, trying to figure each one out. "It's definitely not me." Nat said, raising her arms above her head in a surrendering type.

"Alright, who took it?!" I heard Clint yell again. I looked at Bucky, I was looking at him with secretive eyes and a laughing smile which he caught on, trying his hardest not to laugh.

I heard stomping from the kitchen to us. I looked behind me to see Clint with hands on his hips. He looked like a kid, angry at his parent because he didn't get what he wanted.

I wanted to laugh so bad but I kept a straight face on. "Did you took it?" He sternly say, eyeing Bucky. I immediately looked at him who's face was almost red from not laughing.

Within a couple of minutes staring, he started laughing like a mad man. "It's (Y/N)." He laughed. I dramatically gasped, placing a hand on my chest. "Liar." I said.

Which made him laugh even louder. I couldn't keep my straight face on before laughing as well. "You took MY chocolate?!" I heard Clint. I just laughed, leaning myself to Bruce beside me.

"MY chocolate?!"

"Oh shit, run." I told myself before running to the elevator. "FRIDAY, OPEN! OPEN! OPEN!" I yelled. I heard a faint "LANGUAGE!" in the background as the elevator closes also seeing the angry Clint almost at the elevator.

I got up to the rooftop, hiding behind a vase. "Friday! Shush!" I told the A.I.

Within seconds, the elevator opened and there he is. The angry Clint, searching for me. I gulped the lump of fear in my throat, putting my hand on my mouth.

"I know, you're here somewhere, come out." He creepily say. Okay, he's creepy Clint if he's angry. So do not. DO NOT steal his belongings. Looks like I learned it the hard way.

I hid more behind the vase until the said vase was moved to the side, a tall shadow casting my whole body. "Oh uh." I told myself.

With a yelp, I got picked up from the ground and pinned to the wall. "Clint, I'm sorry!" I quickly said.

"No need too." He huskily whispered in my ear. "C-clint?" I said back. Before I could even know what was going on, Clint's hot breath was on my neck.

My body was heating up in the process. "Clint, w-what are you d-doing?" I manage to let out before his hot breath was replaced with a kiss and a bite on my neck.

Until Clint was pushed back by a force and I slid down the wall to the ground.

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