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Ep.6 - Newsfeed

I let a grunt out as I was scrolling through my phone.

Anthony "Tony" Edward Stark has a soulmate?!

A student in Midtown High School here in Queens, New York had said that Tony Stark himself had eye to eye contact with one of it's students. Are they soulmates? Or do they just know each other from somewhere? Is she a wanted person in the eyes of Anthony Stark himself?

"I saw Tony looking at a girl. It looked like they were soulmates or something. They were definitely looking at each other. I also noticed that the girl ran away. I don't know her name, I'm sorry."

Is Tony Stark going to divorce Pepper Potts? Just as the fact that Stark has a soulmate? Do Ms. Potts know about this? Stay tuned for today's weekly news!

"Fuck!" I yelled, throwing my phone across the room, it crashed into pieces. "I've gotten myself into a goddamn mess!" I shouted.

"Honey?" Mom's voice called as she opened my door. "The news got caught on, Stark called me. It's going to be risky if you didn't stay with him. The enemies of Stark is the enemies of the Avengers. You'll be a great target." She said.

"Don't tell me-" I said just in time for a jet to flew on top of the house and actually landing in front of the house. "They're here. Pack up some clothes." She said.

"Now my life's in danger, this is fucking bullshit. Tell Stark I'm not talking to him, whether he like it or not." I said before pushing my mom out of the room, shutting the door behind her. "Hon-"

"NO! SHUT UP!" I yelled then silence. I realized what I did, feeling the guilt within my body. It was slithering everywhere my own body. I yelled at her.. Why did I do that?

"Mom..." I called, opening the door. And there is she, with tears in her eyes. "Mom, I'm sorry." I said, hugging her tightly. "It's okay, sweetheart. You're mad, frustrated. Don't worry." She said in one breath, knowing it would betray her if she didn't.

"Can you help me pack?" I asked, sadly smiling at her. "Of course, hon. But first I'll go and met those people." She smiled. I just nodded. "I'll be waiting." I said before walking back in my room.

I started packing when I felt eyes on me. I looked at the door, no one. At the window, still no one. "Scared?"

"Mr. Loki Laufeyson." I sternly said before going back to packing. "BROTHER!" A booming voice shouted. I heard a groan behind me. "I am inside the room of Stark's soulmate!" He yelled behind me. I already finished packing when footsteps started walking in my room.

I turned around, to meet with eyes. So the Captain America, Black widow, Falcon, Thunder God, Mischief God and the one and only Stark himself is in my room right now. Oh Gods! What do I do? Oh yeah, ignore.

"This is the first time, someone didn't want to talk to me." He said, his voice was kinda low and husky. His scent was around the room right now. God, how I pray to be dizzy with this shitty scent. But no, I like it. Fuck..

"Shut up." I said before pushing past him with my bag on my back. "Why?" He replied, seemingly following me. "Just get away from me." I mumbled to him before letting a smile catch my face as I got to the kitchen.

"Hey mom." I smiled. She smiled back. "Hey sweetie. Me and Stark talked and are you sure you want to be with them?"

"Mom, it's risky and if they knew you're someone I love the most. They'll target you like me. Please just be careful and if you will, stay close to your job." I reassured her, putting my bag on the ground before walking to her, rubbing her arms.

She smiled, kissing my forehead. "Just please be safe." She whispered, pressing our foreheads together. "I will, I'll talk to you if I got a chance." I whispered back before kissing her nose.

"Stay safe, hon. Go." And with that we got off each other's faces, still smiling at each other. Haven't even noticed that Stark already has my bag on his hand.

Someone rest their hands on my shoulder, pushing me away from her. I glance at the person to see the Black Widow. I let her push me away to the front door. Not even letting me have another look at my mom. 

We got outside and I looked at what seems like a jet? "Say hi to our jet!" The falcon shouted. I shrugged it off before walking in.

"All aboard." Ms. Romanoff called behind me. I found myself a sit, not even looking at everyone's eyes, not even His. I scanned my surroundings, impressed that I'm actually riding this.

"Like it?" Another voice said. I looked at the very back to see the one and only, Hawkeye. I'm a fan of his, I might say. "Your mother said you're a fan, so how could I reject the offer Tony gave me?" He spoke.

Excitement bubbled on my stomach. He chuckled. 'Oh god, did he saw the excitement in my eyes?! Oh god!'

He laughed. "Don't worry, sweetheart. You're fine, want a hug?" I was about to say 'yes' until I saw Tony's ironman hand, ready to blast Hawkeye off the jet.

Steve and Sam were shouting at him to put his hand down while Thor was shielding himself to Clint. Nat was watching from her seat in the front while Loki was glancing at Me, Tony and Clint at the same time.

I eyed Clint as he stared at me, he wasn't scared that's a fact but he knew what I wanted to do and that's to ignore Tony as much as possible. So he knew, he'll be a distraction for me from Tony. And of course, Loki knew. A mind-reader he is.

I stared back at the Captain, the Falcon and the almost half iron man. I need to stop this. I sighed. "Tony, put it down." I said. He didn't seemed to hear me except the others, who's now looking at me with worry and was shocked. Same with Clint.

I sighed again. "ANTHONY EDWARD STARK, PUT. IT. DOWN!" I yelled. He turned to me, I wasn't angry that's for sure. And I also know that he's just jealous. He glared his hatred towards Clint before putting his hand down.

He sat back to his seat, eyeing at me like I was in a bar full of guys or something. He's a pretty jealous man, and an overprotective one that's for sure.

I relaxed at my seat once Cap looked at me with proud eyes. Loki, Sam and Nat smirked. "You put Tony in his place, that's amazing." Thor mouthed to me. And Clint who was smiling at me. I wouldn't lie when I say it but I kinda like it to put someone in their place.

Whether they were a bully, someone who called themselves as friend and co-workers/colleagues. I like it very much. I chuckled to myself before leaning down more into my seat.

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