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Ep.13 - Mind-talker

I woke up, feeling a slight pain in my middle. I groan only to be squeezed tightly by some strong arms. The warm feeling coming from the said person was enough for me to go back to sleep.

Before I could even close my eyes, I looked up to the person's face to see a peaceful Tony. I smiled at him. "Tony." I slightly shook him. "No, we're not getting up." He groaned, squeezing me even tighter.

"Tony, we need to eat, c'mon." I whined at him. With a sigh from him, he let go of his grasp around me which I took opportunity of and ran to his bathroom.

"Can I wear one of your shirts?" I yelled in the bathroom as I seemingly forgot that I was naked still. With a "Yeah, sure." shouted from him, I got in his huge fucking walk-in closet. And look for some clothes.

Once I found what I wanted, I quickly took a quick bath and put it on. I finally brushed my frizzy hair and walked out the bathroom to see Tony still in bed. "Since you're not getting up from that bed, I'll better be going." I said.

"Where are you going?" I heard him say. "To my room?" I replied. "Alright, stay away from Clint." "Oh c'mon, he's going to be sorry, I can't just ignore him." I spoke. "You're going to ignore him, whether you like it or not." He spoke with a stern voice.

I just sighed before walking out the door, shutting it behind me before walking to the elevator. "Lounge." I spoke before I could feel the elevator itself descend down.

I got to the floor and I start walking to the kitchen area to see everyone. Clint was the first one to stood up. "Hey, (Y/N) sorry about yesterday. I wasn't in my state of mind." He said. "It's fine, Clint really." I smiled at him, he smiled back nodding as he sat down again.

I got a seat in between Bucky and Steve before putting some waffles in my plate. "Is that Tony's clothes?" I heard Bruce. I felt my cheeks heat as I looked down away from everyone's eyes.

"Did you two did the dirty, yesterday?" Nat now spoke. "Oh shush." I said barely audible before sitting and digging in my plate.

"You did, did yah?" Steve now spoke. I looked up at him. Him having a smirk on his face. My cheeks got even hotter. "Shhh!" I yelled, putting a finger on my mouth, gesturing to him to shut up.

With a laugh, everyone joined in as well. "This is too embarrassing for me, shut up guys." I replied with both of my hands, hiding my face. "What are you laughing at?" I heard a familiar voice behind me.

All of us looked and saw the shirtless Tony Stark, leaning on the wall. God, you're so full of yourself, sometimes. You're not that good, well... SHUSH!!

I heard Loki snickered which I responded with a side glare, 'Don't you dare speak, Loki. I'm watching you'. He quickly hid the smirk, aiming his eyes straight to his food.

Wanda was giggling at the moment, hearing everything I was thinking about. "Ey, scarlet. What are you giggling at?" I heard Tony. Did he just say Ey? Who are your parents?!

This manages to make the red-head laugh. I look at Wanda, shaking my head slightly. She got the message, "Nothing, Tony. Just (Y/N) here, was fighting with Loki in her mind." She giggled.

With a sigh of relief from Loki and a slight nod from me. I glared straight at Loki to make it seem like I was still fighting him.

Loki got on my acting and held his arms in a surrendering position. With a nod, I gave Wanda a 'thank you' nod before eating my waffles.

Tony joined in, eating some but kept an eye at me and Clint. What is wrong with this guy? He's sorry why are you glaring at him?!

I glared at Tony once he looked at me. He gave me a confused one but I nod my head towards Clint. He saw and glared back at me before shaking his head.

I gave him the 'look' which he dramatically looked away at. I rolled my eyes at him. This guy is going to be the death of me. Oh no, I forgot to ask Fury about the training. Oh uh..

"Oh uh indeed." Loki blurred out. All eyes were now on him. Loki, shut up for one second, you're going to make us look suspicious. Look at Wanda, she's calm and collected.

I thought before looking at Wanda, who's literally panicking in her mind. She's not calm and collected. She got a lot of trauma.

Loki was that you? Yes indeed, it is I, Loki of Asgard in your lovely mind. Get the hell out of my mind. Loki, get out of her mind. Wanda?! Wanda? Got a problem? Stop talking to me in my mind! Can't help it. Literally can't help it. You know what, this is fine. Since you two are the only ones who knows about the things. Ehh- about that, I had told someone about your plans I might say. You what?! Please tell me you're joking.

I'm afraid not, darling. But that said person is very trustworthy, trust me. How could I trust a man who literally wanted to rule the earth? He's being controlled. I was being controlled. Fair enough.

The others pov:

Everyone was silent enough to notice Wanda, Loki and (Y/N), glancing at each other. It was like they're having a conversation with eyes. Steve was glancing at Tony, asking if (Y/N) could read someone in the eyes which Tony denied. Everyone was confused yet amused that they can talk to each other without a language to speak off. Little did they knew, it was mind reading after all.

Bruce and Peter was the most confused out of all the others. Watching (Y/N) glance and glare at Loki before watching her making a shocked look at Wanda. Before glancing at the others who was confused as well. "They're not fine." Peter blurred out.

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