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Ep.3 - Looking


"Hey sweetie." She said before smiling at me. I was shocked at the moment until I realized something. "And I just realized you're working in Stark Industry. I'm so dumb sometimes." I said, face palming myself.

I heard Mom giggle. "Well I'm promoted to secretary by Mr. Stark himself. The 'ton of work' he told me yesterday was actually me being send to his office and him promoting me." She said.

"Mom, congrats!" I said, only to be hit by her scent. "Mom, god. You smelled like Peter." I said, pinching my nose.

"Peter? Who's Peter? Your soulmate?" She started booming me with questions. "No, no, no and no. Peter is a friend that smelled like my soulmate, they know each other." I said, making a line with my lips.

"Oh, and you told me I smelled like your soulmate as well?" Mom said it more like a statement and not a question. "Yes." I nodded. "I can't help with that since I have shake hands with a lot of people." She said.

"Great, now I'll have to deal with this smell." I groan. "What scent is it?" She questioned. "It's like alcohol, motor oil, SUPREME perfume and a ton of mixed chemicals. And I'm surprised, I'm still not dizzy about it." I said.

"Wait... Alcohol?" She said. I just nodded again. Before she could say anymore, someone walked up to us. "Ms. (L/N), Mr. Stark needs you." A woman said. My mom turned to her and nodded before turning to me.

"We'll talk about this later, go sit." She said before walking away with the woman. I just shrugged it off before looking for Betty. Who's literally sitting near the court's door. Which then I realized, there's no more seats. I sighed before walking to her, well them since Ned, Peter and his girl are with her.

I groaned as I reach them. "Hi third-wheel." Bet snickered. "Screw off." I said before sitting beside Ned. "Hey (Y/N)?" I heard Peter's voice, I looked at him giving him a confused look.

"This is my soulmate, MJ." He said, the girl waved at me and smiled. I smiled back before waving. "Hi! Nice to meet you." I held my hand out which she took and we both shake hands. "Nice meeting you too." She said.

We started talking a bit and when the speakers got turned on, we both sat comfortable from the floor, looking at the mini stage.

"Welcome Midtown High!" The principal greeted which the whole school cheered at. "So, here we are. As you all know The Avengers are here for a small visit. So let's give them a round of applause." She cheered. Everyone started screaming, squealing and cheering as The Avengers got to the stage.

Bet was squealing so loud, I almost covered my ears. I shook my head before getting hit again by my soulmate's scent. I looked at Peter, he doesn't smell like it. I scanned around the room to notice a pair of eyes on me.

It was none other than Mr. Tony Stark himself.

I felt chills on my back as I stared back at him. 'No. This is not true.' I thought. 'Tony Stark is my soulmate?!' I screamed in my head before standing up, running out the court.

Tony's pov:

I groaned as I kept smelling the scent of ocean sea, rain, new books and ink as we went to the court of Peter's school. Mellisa and (M/N) was behind me while the others are already behind the stage.

Lunch is still not finished, I sighed in relief knowing there's still a few minutes more. I walked to the back stage to see all of them. "Hey Tones." Loki smirked.

"You're lucky, you're friends with Steve." I glared at him, walking past him to a chair. I sat on it. "What are we gonna do again?" Wanda asked. 

"Peter agreed to reveal his identity so we'll do it and of course have a little visit in his school." Steve said, seemingly looking around.

I rubbed my nose before sniffing. 'No one here smelled like this scent. Then why do I smell it?!' I yelled in my hand which Loki and Wanda both caught. "Smell of what exactly, Stark?" Loki asked.

"The smell of ocean sea, rain, new books and ink." I said. Everyone gasped. "Wait... I have a soulmate?" I asked myself more than everyone in the room.

"I've been unmarked since day one. Why do I smell them now?!" I was so frustrated I almost threw the chair I've been sitting from. "Tony, calm down. There must be an explanation." Bruce called.

"I have Pepper and Morgan to take care of. And I already told Pepper that I'm unmarked. What do I do?" I sighed, putting my hands on my face. 

"You have to tell Pepper about this, her kind heart will understand everything. You wouldn't have to worry, Tony." Thor now spoke, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah. She'll understand." Nat called. I just sighed before nodding, hearing the bell ring. "Let's get this finish so I could find my soulmate faster and tell Pepper about everything."

"Mr. Stark, I'll come back in a bit, I must inform my daughter about my promotion earlier on." I heard (M/N) from my side. I gave her a nod. She started walking away.

"Avengers!" I heard the principal. What's her name? I forgot. Meh, nevermind I guess..

"Mellisa, go and call (M/N) back." I said looking at her, with a nod she walked out. The principal are now talking to us. She finally said goodbye, walking away from us.

Mellisa was now back with (M/N) smelling like the scent. I got confused but maybe I'll talk to her later. We were now called onto the stage. Where I scanned my eyes to see if my soulmate is around until I land my eyes on someone.

They were beautiful. They were just breathtaking. They seemed to notice me and looked straight at me. A low growl called in my head 'Mate.'

'My soulmate is a 17 year-old.'

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