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Ep.9 - A Secret from them

The woman's voice.. It was THE Pepper Potts.

"Don't tell me, you didn't hear that?" I said, pointing directly outside at the hallway. "Hear what?" He asked.

"You didn't hear anything?" I said again. "With my super hearing, no. I don't hear anything. Are you alright?" Bucky spoke.

'Maybe I'm paranoid.' I kept glancing at the hallway. "Friday, check for intruders." I heard Tony.

"No intruders are in the tower, Sir. The only people left are all of you." The A.I. responded.

I was shocked at her answer. "Maybe I'm hearing things." I chuckled nervously. "Or maybe I'm just paranoid. Both of those." I added.

"Are you sure you're alright?" I heard Bucky beside me. I smiled at him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Maybe it's because of my surroundings. I'm currently new to this place. You know slight noises? Heh..?" I said before glancing at the same hallway from time to time.

My appetite was dying down because of the child's voice. Was that Pepper and Tony's child? I couldn't blame him but there's a child.

"(Y/N), We're talking." Wanda spoke. Loki just nodded towards her, forming a line on his lips. She beat him from saying it first. I just nodded, knowing they knew what I was thinking.

"I'm not hungry anymore."  I said pushing my plate away before standing up. I slightly turned to the two mind-readers "Wanda, Loki, just meet me at my room. And please don't tell anyone." I sadly smiled at them before walking away.

"Want me-" Clint spoke before I interrupted him, yelling my answer as I was now waking in the hallway. "No, I know the way!"

I finally got my room, laying my bed as I replayed the scene in my head. 'Morgan? That's her name.'

I sat up to find myself jealous and slightly mad at the scene. I could jump to the window right now if I want. I sighed, grabbing myself a drink before hearing a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yelled.

The door opened revealing the raven guy and the red-head. "Hey, you alright?" I heard Wanda. "I would lie if I say yes." I respond to her before mentioning them to the couch. 

"Tea, water, juice?" I said looking at the collection of things in the fridge and pointed at the tea bags on a container. "No, thank you." I heard Loki. "Juice is fine." Wanda replied. I smiled before pouring us a glass of pineapple juice.

I gave her the other once while I drank my glass. I sat on another couch before smiling sadly at them. "Do-"

"Do we know about Morgan?" Loki finished my sentence. I just nodded. "You weren't supposed to found out that way. Tony was planning to talk to you about it but he wanted you to feel at home first." Wanda smiled.

I just nodded, humming at her. "So.. Is Morgan actually Tony's child? I mean I can't blame him, he haven't found me for quite a long time." I said. "That's good and yes, she is Tony's child." Loki now replied.

"So, anymore secrets I would know about Tony?" I giggled softly. "It's not Tony but Clint and Bucky and a little bit of that stupid buffoon." Loki spoke. "Huh?" I said, quite confused of the two.

"They quite had a liking on you. Specially Bucky, you just made him smile and almost laugh. He only does it if he's comfortable of someone." Wanda said. "Wow, never thought someone could be comfortable of me."  I whispered to myself.

"Do not say that, we are comfortable at your presence as well." Loki spoke. "I'm here because I'm a target, I'm a risk to everyone I cared about. Specially my mom, just because of my presence with her, she'll be a target as well." I said.

"(N/N)... Want some air?" Wanda sadly smiled at me. I just nodded slowly. She immediately grabbed Loki's arm before dragging him out of the room.

Silence comforted me as I took a sip of my almost gone pineapple juice. "Friday, play relaxing music." I said before hearing keys from a piano in the ceiling, swaying in the melody of River flows in you.

I smiled softly swaying with the song with the drink in hand. I hummed with it as I softly dance around my room.

As the song finished, I put the glass on the mini sink before hearing a clap towards the door. I jumped before looking at the door. Seeing Clint and Bucky.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked before washing the three glasses in the sink. "Just checking on you since you know." Clint said. I smiled at them and they smiled back.

"Sorry about ear-" "No need to say sorry, dear. You're still not used at this environment. I mean, I'm like you when Steve showed me the Avengers' tower. I was so paranoid and such." Bucky said, finding his confidence to sit on my bed.

Clint 'magically' pulled a chair somewhere and sat down on it. Once I placed the clean glasses on the rack for them to dry, I sat beside the metal-armed man.

"Can you guys tell me about Morgan?" I asked. That seems to tense Clint while Bucky has his emotionless face.

"A lovely girl, I might say. She cared for both her father and mother but she's more of the father thing. She loved Tony that much that she'll bother her mother to buy Tony a coffee or something." Bucky explained in one breath, even with his emotionless face you can still heard the tension in his voice.

I just nodded. "A very lovely girl." I hurtfully smiled at him. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." I smiled at him, hiding my shaky breath from him.

"Your eyes are getting watery." Clint now said before sitting on my other side. I shakingly sigh before feeling a tight hug from both of them. "Thanks guys." I spoke. "Your welcome, love." Both of them replied, hugging me more tightly.

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