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Ep.14 - Test #1

With a slight fight in my mind with Loki and Wanda. I manages to get this 'trustworthy' someone from Loki. And it appears to be Mr. Steve Rogers, himself. But I know that's a lie.

Breakfast has finished and we're now in the living room, chatting about some things.


A yell rang in the living room. Shit it's Pepper. "Bucky, give me your jacket!" I quickly whispered-yell which confuses everyone. "What? Why?" He replied. "Give me it!" I yelled again.

Bucky quickly took his jacket off and threw it to me. I put it on, zipping it tight. Tony was glaring at me but I glared back before the said woman even steps foot in the living room.

"Tony, let's talk. Shall we?" I heard Pepper. I pushed a smile towards her which she quickly returned and glared at Tony. "Uh- yeah, yeah." He replied before standing up and walk with her to the corridor.

"Did you just smile at Pepper?" Steve whispered. "Yeah, she spot me like a few days ago? And I just lied saying I'm a new recruit." I said back. "Well that's what Tony told her." Nat now said. I looked straight to Nat.

"Tony told Pepper that I'm a new recruit?" I said which the red-head nodded at. It sends an uncomfortable chill within my body. "What?" I added. I leaned back to the couch, looking down at the floor.

"Tony told Pepper, I'm a new recruit.." I repeated myself. "That's a no-go, man." I heard Sam. "How could Tony do such thing?" Clint now spoke.

"I'll be in my room and Buck, I'll jus-" "Keep it." Bucky interrupted me. I looked at him. "Keep it. It will give you comfort, I promise." He added before smiling at me. "Thanks buck." I smiled back, standing up and walking away from the ruined atmosphere at the living room.

Once I reach my room, I sighed to feel the comfort within there. "Training tomorrow at 4pm."

I jumped at the voice and saw Fury on my couch. "How did you get in?!" I said. "The door?" He replied. I gave him an annoyed look. Really? And I excepted that this guy has a pretty decent answers. Guess not.

I sighed once again before closing the door behind me. "I was about to tell Steve to bring me to Shield." I said. "I know, that's why I'm here first. Friday got shutted down here in your room so Tony will freak his mind out once he knew that."

"And you're excepting me? To give him an answer to that? You know I can't just tell him that you're here and now I'm going to work as an agent, right?" I said. "Yeah, that's why I'm testing you to do this, lying thing." He said.

"Well I better go, he should be running in a minute or so." He said before disappearing into thin air. I quickly run to the couch and saw a tiny device sinking itself in the cold floor.

"Is he a fucking hologram?" I questioned myself looking as the tiny device disappear. "He's a hologram.." I repeated, nodding at myself.

"(Y/N)?!" Another shout rang in my ears before the door got flung open. I quickly turn to see the door fly to the window and out of existence, meaning to the ground.  I hope someone didn't get hit by that.

"(Y/N)!" His yell got louder. He's panicking, that's for sure. "FRIDAY TOLD ME SHE CAN'T GO IN YOUR ROOM! WHAT HAPPNED?!"

"Tony, Tony calm down." I said, walking over to him. I also noticed that everyone was literally suited up and by the door. "God! YOU LITERALLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" He yelled again. 

"Easy. Easy there." I said, rubbing his arms up and down. "I'm fine, I just needed to talk to myself and I- I temporarily shut down Friday in here because she might call you on and tell you I'm procrastinating or mental. You never know." I said, smiling at him.

You're in big trouble. No, not you. Fury is. Yeah, Fury is.

Tony finally relaxes, placing his head on my shoulder. "I was so worried. I thought they caught you already." He sighed, hugging me tightly. I slightly smile at the others who just nodded before walking away.

Peter stayed back but Wanda and Nat pulled him away. I silently giggle from the scene, before rubbing Tony's back.

"I'm fine, see? I'm alright." I whispered to him. With a nod, he let go and place his forehead on mine. "Just don't go." He said. I smiled at him again. "I won't go until you told me too." I said.

"I'm not letting you go." He said, kissing my nose. I giggled. "Well you better fix my door or I'll steal yours." I playfully glared at him which he laughed at. "By tomorrow, it's fixed I promise." He said.

"Well I better go and take a shower, you go and do you." I said. He just nodded before kissing my forehead and walking away. "And don't shut Friday down or you're going to sleep in my room instead." He said before cornering.

"Well that was impressive." Fury's voice said. I turned and there he is, on my couch yet again.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I rolled my eyes to him. "So now, I have a broken window and a broken door."

"Sealing windows." Friday's voice came and a thick black seal started covering the windows. "One down and one to go." I said before looking at the door, well there's no door.

"Remember, training at 4 pm." He said. "Yeah, now go." I replied, he nodded before disappearing again.

"Test 1 is lying huh. What about the other tests?" I questioned myself.

"What tests?"

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