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Ep.16 - Liar's training

It's 3:50 right now with Bruce driving me to SHIELD. We ended up sneaking around to one of Tony's cars and drive there. We told Friday to not alert Tony which she surprisingly agreed too. Did she know? Well duh, Fury let her shut herself down on my room. So she definitely know.

We arrive at the back side of the organization to find Agent Hill with Fury, standing next to each other, watching the expensive car stop in front of them. Me and Bruce got out.

"So Banner knew?" Fury said. "Not only him, the two mind readers as well. And Loki manages to slip his tongue and told Bruce." I replied.

"Definitely the whole story, yes." Bruce nodded before smiling at Hill.

"Agent Hill, this is (Y/N) (L/N). (Y/N), this is Maria Hill or Agent Hill." Fury introduced me to the girl. The girl who's going to train me. We both shook hands before Fury escorted us inside.

Everything was silent until Fury spoke. "About this training you are doing, are you sure you want to do it?" He said. "I already told you, I agreed." I replied. And we stopped to a door. He grabbed the doorknob before looking straight at me.

"Well then, welcome to your personal training room." He said before opening the door. We walked in and it's just a normal training room except there are guns, daggers on the wall. It's a secret agent's dream. "This is a restricted place for anyone except you, Hill, and me." He added, walking around the room.

There's also a target near the gun drawer. "Hill will make you feel homey, that's for sure but now, Mr.Banner, let's talk while you wait for (Y/N) to finish her training."

With that Bruce looked at me for answers to which I nodded. He smiled before nodding back and walking out the room with Fury behind him.

"So you want to be an agent?" Maria said behind me. I looked to see her scanning the gun drawer. I was about to say something when she beat me to it. "Why?" She added, raising her head to face me.

To be honest, I have no clue as to why I wanted to join. But with Tony being my soulmate, I need to protect myself and not to lean myself to him. He has a wife and a KID for god's sake.

"You must know about Tony Stark's soulmate." I said. She nodded before tilting her head as to say 'keep going'.

"I am his soulmate. And I agreed to join because I don't want to lean myself to him. I don't want him to keep protecting me because he has a wife and a kid to take care off. That's why I'm here." I spoke. All of it was true but then my mind wandered off.

Thor. Bucky. And Clint.

I shook my head before groaning. Why did I thought about them? Am I having feelings? Do I actually consider them as friends with benefits? Well I mean Thor doesn't fit it since we're not talking to each other quite often but Bucky and Clint.. I don't know my feelings! God!

"Are you alright? Something's bothering you, huh?" I heard Maria's voice. I just sighed before nodding. "I don't want to talk about it, let's just do this." I spoke.


It's about 7pm when we finished. To be honest, I didn't exactly know about my strength. When Maria told me to think about something I was furious about, I ended up throwing her to a wall which cracked a bit, by the way.

Fury got called on and was shocked as to why I'm saying sorry to the agent on the ground that was almost unconscious. Maria got taken to the medhall and that's how the training ends.

Bruce was very cautious to me now when Fury told him about what happened. He was saying like he doesn't want to be on my bad side. And I don't blame him. When you saw your friend almost killing an agent in front of you. You wouldn't actually want to be on their bad side.

The ride back was silent. Until Bruce received a phone call.

"Bad news, it's Tony." He spoke when he looked on his phone. "He'll be freaked out." I said. He just nodded before answering.

"Oh he- What?!... Who?.... Tell me you're lying right now... Goddamnit Tony, I'll be there in 10... Yeah, yeah, see you later."

"So Loki slipped his tongue again and told everyone you're fantasizing about Bucky's cuddles? Is that true?" He said, glancing at me.

I definitely had an annoyed look once Bruce said that Loki slipped. Again. "Yes, that's true. Hate to admit it actually. So Loki's in the infirmary?" I said.

"Yes and Wanda lied to you about her and you being in the mall. So I think Wanda is freaking out right now." He said. "Call her." I said.

Without hesitation, he slowed the car down as we're nearing the tower and called Wanda before giving me his phone.

"Bruce, it's not the time to-" She said on the other line.

"Hey Wanda." I spoke. "Oh my goodness! Are you coming back now?!" She quickly responded. "Yeah. Thanks for lyi-"

"Meet me at the mall near Walmart. Bruce knows it. We'll tell Tony that Bruce took us on a ride." She said.

I turned myself to Bruce. "The mall near Walmart, she's there." With a nod from Bruce, he quickly turned before almost speeding to the mall. "Alright, Wanda. I'll see you there, I guess." I said before the line went blank.

I gave Bruce his phone back. "Thanks." I said.


"So we're in big trouble." She spoke. "It's just a lie. Don't worry about it." I reassured her before grabbing one of the shopping bags from her on the back.

"I'm nervous about this!" She whispered-yell. We're 2 minutes away from the tower. "We'll be fine, just stick to the lie." Bruce called. "Yeah, we'll be fine." I smiled at her.

She nodded but her grip on the bag's handle tighten. I didn't know you could get this nervous. Shut up. I mean it's true.

"We have arrived." I heard Bruce. "We're gonna die." Wanda spoke.

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