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Ep.23 - A memory

I got to the training room above the living quarters. I just didn't saw Nat there. I saw everyone including Betty, Ned and MJ. I eyed confusedly at the three but just so they pointed to the ceiling.

I looked up to notice the spiderboy, smiling innocently at me. "Hi." He softly said. "I told you to ask Bet not bring her here." I replied. "I know I'm sorry." He quickly replied back, jumping/falling to the ground.

I just shook my head before winking at Bet. "This is about to go down." I whispered to her. She just laughs. "Yeah! Go, get it girl! Beat the bullies!" She cheered.

I laughed at the little memory we shared.

I was walking in the hallway, bag on the back. I literally looked like the emo kid in the school. All black, hoodies, looked like they've been bullied a lot. I snickered at the thought before I continued walking. I saw a big group of people on the corner of my eye.

I stopped and looked at my left. There's a big circle of people. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" They all yelled. I walked over to see what's going on. I pushed a lot of people to see 4 boys cornering another guy with a beaten up girl behind him.

A girl has been beaten up and this people really doesn't care about that. I just sighed dropping my bag on the floor. My weighted hood makes me seem like a guy, which I'm grateful at.

Black hue got to my vision as the 4 boys turned their heads to me. "Well, another one." One guy said. A voice so familiar. These are the Pythons. A group of bullies. They think they could rule the whole school just because the leader is the principal's son.

What a bunch of assholes. I snickered.

One guy ran at me, only for him to face the floor within seconds. A foot on his head and his arms with another. Anger was boiling in me, I could kill this guy but I would get expelled. Well I'm getting expelled otherwise.

I spit on the guy's head before I ran to the other three. Getting them one by one. Either breaking their bones or just sparring them with their own blood running down their faces, in front of the protective guy, who's still protecting the girl.

Before I was finish almost killing the 4 guys, I gave a hand out for the guy which he immediately accepted as an act of ally ship. We immediately took the beaten up girl to the infirmary.

"The name's Jacob, by the way. This is Betty."


The three of us became friends immediately and they haven't got bullied since that almost death experience of 4 guys in their group. I'm surprised, they haven't expelled me which I spoke too soon.

"I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in the school grounds." The principal said. I was in the principal office with the 4 guys, Bet, Jacob and our parents.

"It was self-defense! I was bullied by those 4!"

"That's not true." And of course the principal's son is here.

"Guys, this is not worth it. Let's just go find a new school, clearly he's going to side with his son. Even though, a lot of people saw what happened between all of us. They're just pussies, who can't say anything because they'll get bullied for it." Jacob said, stating out facts after facts.

"Agreed." I replied. "Wouldn't know about your moms? But my mom said we're going to move this week so I'm going to be in a entirely new school."

"Which school exactly?"

"Midtown High."

I smiled at the memory. "Ok, let's stop going to memory lane now, you got training to do." Bet claimed.

"Can we visit Jacob afterwards? Never got to visit him for a long time." I spoke. "Oh, definitely. Let's say hi to him again." She smiled at me.

"Who's Jacob?"

"God, Stark. Privacy please." I snapped at him which surprised Bet the most.

"We're not in good terms, just a moment." I whispered to her. She just nodded her head before gesturing me to Nat who's waiting patiently in the middle.

I got to my stand and the training begins. The sparing got into 10-8. Me winning the spar by 2 points. Sweats were build up and we're getting tired as more hours go. It was almost 2 pm. We missed lunch for 2 more rounds.

Everyone was surprised at my moves while Bet, Peter and MJ were cheering me on. Where's Ned? Currently confused and amazed at the same time.

"That was amazing!" Clint said before picking me off Nat who's on the ground, pinned. He twirled me around before passing me to Thor, who hugged me tightly.

"Thor, stop!" I chuckled. He let me go. "That was the most intense spar, I've ever seen." Steve called which Bucky and Sam agreed at.

"Where did you learn that?" Tony spoke. "Secret. Now Bet, let me just go and take a bath before we go to Jacob." 


Bet and I got to somewhere near the school, behind the school actually. An abandoned kid's park. Memories started going after us.

"I bet you 5 bucks, I can jump from up there to the ground."

"You'll break your legs."

"Yeah, I don't want to pay 500 thousand dollars or more to you."

"Kill joy."

I smiled at the swing set and the trampoline on the side.

"To the trampoline! Aaaaand to the pole!" I said as I forced my momentum to jump and land at the swing set's pole.

"(Y/N)! Get down before mom sees you!

And there it is. In the middle of the tiny park was a gravestone.

Jacob Anderson
Died by poison
20×× - 20××
May the peace guide you to the stars above

I let a tear fall out of my eye. Poisoned by his own father. Good thing, that asshole died on the prison. I hate that man's guts.

"It was a shame to see him go." Bet said before placing the flowers on his gravestone.

"(Y/N), I don't feel so good." Jacob spoke on the phone. "Want me to get you out of there?" I said clearly worried.

"No, but if I died, promise to bury me near the park." He said before a sound of someone dropping to a wooden floor got in the line. Worry spitting out of my voice. "Jacob? Jacob?!" I yelled. "Fuck!"

I finally got to the house where I saw police cars and an ambulance parked there. "No." I only let out before a scream came inside of the house.


Jacob's mother.

Tears were now on Bet's face as she cling herself to me. We just stared at the gravestone for minutes of time.

"So that's Jacob." I heard a voice behind me.

"What are you doing here, Stark?" I snapped again, spitting poison at the person behind us. I looked behind to only not see him, it's everyone.

My expression smoothens as I laid my eyes on the 4 guys, clearly giving me eyes of sympathy. I turned my head back to the gravestone once again.

Betty clearly tighten her grip to me. Like she's a koala and I'm the tree. I rub her back. "He's in a peaceful place now." I smiled at her.

"Everything is just a memory now." She spoke.

"A memory of pure happiness and friendship." I now replied.

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