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Ep.19 - Natasha's Call

Before I could scream in my head even more, I already told Friday to message Nat if she can drive me to the park. Which thankfully she agreed on but in the payment of spilling the tea.

Driving to the park was silent but you could literally see the excitement in her eyes when I agreed to spill it once I am calm and stuff.

We got to the park almost speeding. Typical Nat. And we started walking around.

"Okay so, this is what happened." I spoke which made Nat snapped her head towards me, literally pulling me next to a bench. She pushed me down to the bench before internally squealing saying "Spill it!"

"Ok, you're acting like Bet right now." I giggled but I continued on telling every part of it.

After I was done, she has a shocked face. "So let me just repeat that.. So you have Tony then Loki and Wanda told you that Bucky, Clint and Thor has a crush on you. You slept with Bucky and Clint. Almost do it with Clint. And now Bucky and Clint are showing you affection, you've seen Thor HALF naked and now Loki told Wanda he had a crush on you."

"Basically, yeah." I replied, looking at the red-head. "You've got some competition going on here." She smirked. "And a large list." She added which made my cheeks tint pink.

"Shut up. Well it's not like Tony sometimes pay attention to me or something. Feels like he's just using me." I said with a sigh.

"Tony will lost you if he kept on doing this things. And it will specially hurt Pepper since he barely told her about this things. He even said that the girl in Peter's school, you, were just a friend of his." She said, whispering the last part which I heard very clearly.

It made a hole in my stomach. A friend? "Well, that hurt." I sadly smile at her before looking at the ground. "Me and Steve had been pushing him to say it to Pepper but it looks like he haven't still." She spoke.

I just nodded my head. "Thank you for trying." I whispered to her. "It's fine. And besides you have a long list waiting for you." She said which made my cheeks burn again.

"Shut up! Everyone will hear you!"  I whispered- yell at her which she laughed at.

The time was running fast and it's time for training yet again. I decided to tell Nat about my 'agent' condition. She was disappointed that I haven't told her earlier so we could spar and train maybe. But she was still supporting me to be an agent. She agreed to drive me to SHIELD and also promised not to tell the others especially Tony, Clint or Steve.


Everything went by slowly as I train with Maria, well let's just say we're being easy since the last time. Fury was busy and Nat was just watching me and Maria. She told me that Bruce and Wanda were calling her non-stop but she keep on ignoring, praise that woman.

"Steve's calling." I heard Nat as I punch the punch mitts on Maria's hands. I heard her muttering behind me as I kept training.

"Yeah, she's with me no need to panick.... No, no.. She's mad at them what am I supposed to do?... No I'm not going to let them talk... Later on... Yeah we'll be back in about an hour, I guess?... Yeah bye." She said before putting the phone down, looking straight at me.

"So I guess those two are panicking because firstly you won't answer and secondly you're basically ignoring them and they can't find me everywhere." I replied at her gaze.

"Bingo." She said. I just nodded, moving to the dagger section with Maria.


Another day finished. I told myself as Nat and I were driving back home. "Are you gonna ignore them?" Nat asked. "I'm just gonna say that I don't want to talk, you know?" I replied.

"That's okay with me." She spoke back. "But you should talk to Loki, that's for sure." She added. "I guess. I don't want him to think that I reject him or somethi-... Not that I'm going to reject him!" I started talking only to speed talk in the end.

"You're not going to reject him, hmm?" Nat smirked, clearly glancing at me in the passenger's seat. I felt my cheeks turned hot. "W-what?! No! Yes! NO!"  I whispered-yell clearly blushing like a tomato at some point.

"Oh, don't lie to me." She chuckled. "I'm done talking." I hid my face, facing the window. She made a whistle noise, giggling as well. "Shush!" I yelled at her again.

She was in a giggling fit as we reach the tower. I was too embarrassed to even glance at her.

We got the elevator up to the living room floor. Almost get scolded by Steve. But we ignored him. Badass motherfuckers are in the house, baby!

I giggled to myself as I went to my room and Nat winked at me before pointing at the end of the hall. I looked and there he is. Loki Laufeyson.

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