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Yes, it's short.
Ep. 45 - The end

"(Y/N), I'm sorry."

"No! He can't be dead! You said he'll be fine!"

"We tried everything."

You woke up from the same dream, you had before. You just finished upgrading Tony's suit to be functional to you. With Friday's help of course. But you kept something of Tony's.

You turned to your left, smiling at the red and gold suit. You sighed once again before turning to the blueprint on your desk.

"Thanos will be here and you're not having your required sleep." Nat spoke, going in the room. You smiled at her.

"Fancy seeing you here." You spoke.

"(Y/N). Tony's death is years ago. And Clint... But please, we need you well rested for the battle. I know you're worried, that's why you are staying awake to make upgrades for the suit but please?" Nat spoke.

You were shocked that Nat was now showing her emotions. You never seen her like this all your life. You sighed, knowing she was right.


It was your fault, you and Thor got captured because you were just planning to have fun, if this is really the last time you have.

You and Thor ran to Loki once Thanos let you go. You held Loki tight while Thor was glaring daggers to Thanos. Thanos admiring his gauntlet before teleporting away.

It wasn't long until Thor got you and him back to the others. You didn't spoke, you just went back to your lab or Tony's, actually. And started working more. Until time came.

"Avengers Assemble." Steve spoke beside you.

Your mask quickly covered your face before you flew towards Thanos. Strange beside you with Peter.

The fight didn't last long until you got the stones. Their imitating glow surrounding your hand. You felt it's powers flowing through you.

You stared at Thanos, tears in your eyes. If you ever survived this, you will never consider yourself as a Hero, without Tony by your side. You wouldn't be here.

You smiled at the thought before looking at Thanos in the eyes.

"I... Am... (Y/N)... Stark." You spoke before snapping your fingers.

Lights got in your eyes and everything went back.

"Honey, it's morning. I still need to get the kids to school." You were being shaken awake.

You opened your eyes, seeing him. Tony. You smiled before hugging him tightly.

He just chuckled. "Honey, you're hugging me like you haven't seen me in years." He spoke, hugging you back.

"Momma! Dada!" A tiny voice spoke, behind the door. It opened revealing a little girl. Black hair with your eyes.

"Teony, darling. Go wake your brother and sister." Tony spoke. The little girl smiled, nodding her head before walking away.

Am I dreaming?

"No, you're not dreaming, Honey. C'mon, let's get the kids." He kissed you with pure passion. It felt real. So real.

You just smiled and nodded. "Yeah, c'mon. Let's go." You replied, jumping off the bed.

"I'm sorry, please, mom. Let me go."

"Whenever you're ready, hun. Your uncles and Fury will be so proud of you. You're a Hero. Let your soul rest with Tony's."

"Thank you, mom." And everything went black.

"Hey, (Y/N)? Babe?" You woke up from your slumber, you were just resting, leaning on a tree.

You noticed something in your lap and when you looked it's a baby, he has Tony's facial figures while having your eyes and hair.

That's when you heard children laughing. You looked in front of you, seeing a valley of flowers. It looks peaceful.

Teony was there, playing with a girl and a boy. You know them. They were your children, of course. (G/N) and (B/N) were twins, then we have Teony and then Matthew, playing on your lap with his toy ironman.

You turned to Tony, humming at him.

"Let our soul come together and rest." He spoke, kissing my forehead. I smiled at him.

"We're already resting, love." I replied before hearing the kids laughing again.

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