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Ep.22 - Adrenaline

Last night was a blast but I ended up having the biggest hungover, ever. Everything was still spinning.

It finally subsided, checking my surroundings. It was a mess. Half of the carpet was folded over. I don't know what happened there. Bottles were everywhere. The windows got the black cover again. Someone must have broken another window.

Not me.

Wanda was half naked beside me while Nat was on the couch. Her feet was dangling off of it. I got out of the bed and grabbed aspirin from the medical shelf.

I heard the groans of the two women as I drank water with the aspirin. "Well, good morning." I spoke.

"What the hell happened?" Wanda groaned, holding her head. I grabbed two aspirins and two glasses of water for the two.

I gave them one of each which they took immediately. "Last night was something." Nat said.

"Did we even throw up?" Wanda spoke which got me thinking.

"Friday?" I spoke. "You seemed to be very drunk last night, ma'am's. And no, you haven't even threw up once. The three of you seemed to take drinking quite literally."

I laughed at her sentence.

"Breakfast is being served right now, so please fix yourselves before the guys started questioning why you three looked like that."

I laughed again. "That kinda hurt." Wanda laughed while Nat chuckled. We decided to take turns showering which they decided to borrow some of my clothes.

We got to the dining table, just in time for Pepper to arrive, looking quite angry.

"Tony, let's speak, can we?" She sternly said. Someone's in trouble. Loki said in my mind, you could hear the smirk from it.

I just shook my head from him. Tony just glared at us before walking away with Pepper.

"Well someone's grumpy today." Bruce spoke, which gain a chuckle from all. We started eating without Tony, well let's just say everyone was angry at him. Easy as that.

"So couple, couple. Thor, are you certain (Y/N) will be with you?" Steve now spoke, making me choke on my water.

"Hey! We got to her first!" Bucky and Clint shouted, I was already sinking on my seat. "Well, I have caught her sweet lips.. secondly." Loki now spoke. Secondly? Really?

Everyone got there "ohhs" and "ahhs".

"So (Y/N), long list you got there." Sam spoke, wolf whistling to me. "Please, don't add into it. I don't want to deal with 6 guys." I said bluntly, which gain an eye to me.

I realized my tone of voice before laughing. "You really don't want 6 guys, huh?" Steve chuckled.

"No I do not." I replied. "I'm already full on schedule with this 4." I added, eyeing the 4 guys.

Thor was blushing abit, while the other three were grinning like maniacs. Their faces straighting when the sounds of Tony's footsteps came in the door.

We continued eating like nothing happened. "We already ate without you, we're pretty hungry just so you know." Steve spoke. I never got my head up once again, still looking down at my food. But I could feel the stare of Tony, seemingly hitting me with daggers in the head.

I felt the squeeze on my thigh which I looked at, noticing Clint's hand. I nudge Clint's hand off before glaring at him on the side.

He mouthed a 'sorry' before putting his hand back to the table. Are you feeling alright? Yeah, Clint just decided to squeeze my thigh. Your thigh? Want me to kick him? Loki.. No. Loki, yes. Shut up and eat. Fine. Party pooper. Huh??

I eyed Loki, he shrugged at me before continuing eating. "You alright?" Nat called. "Loki said party pooper." I said not taking my eyes off the green lover.

"Well, he did spend time here more than in Asgard so I guess he would be learning a thing or two." Bruce spoke. "He learned 'party pooper'?" I spoke.

He just shrugged again taking a sip on his water. I opened my mouth to talk until I felt a sweep of adrenaline. I let it control me and before I could blink, I stopped an incoming knife centimeters beside my cheek with my middle and pointing fingers.

I put the knife down before eyeing Nat who was smirking at me. I know it's you. Vision's face looked like he already knew what's about to happened. "What the fuck?!" Bruce yelled out. What I'm surprised about was Steve didn't yelled language.

I looked around to notice horrid faces, scared and terrified like they're watching a murder happened in front of them, well almost a murder. Peter was petrified, his face had gone white same with Bruce.

"Where did you learn that?" Tony now spoke. I turned to him. "Where I learned reflexes?" I said. "So you can fight?" Peter now spoke. "You can ask Bet about it." I smiled at him before eating my last piece of food.

All eyes were still on me as I finished up my food. I decided to ignore it before hinting Nat to meet me in the training room since I don't have my training today. She understands, smirking to herself because of the stunt she made me do.

I left the dining room before walking towards my room to get ready for training.

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