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So, this is all for today for now. My family decided it's good to go on a vacation so I might take a break until Jun 27 (EST) . After that, the voting will be closed off. The winner of the votes (Stucky is now one of them, so I might adjust on some of the things I'm doing) will be announced next episode.

Ep. 43 - (Y/N)'s uncles

"I also forgot to tell you, Ms. (Y/N). I have informed Director and Ms. (M/N) to come to the tower and they are on their way now." Friday spoke. Not even greeting Tony.

I snickered at that before groaning. Why does it have to be this day? I just sighed as I continue to eat.

After breakfast, all of us were in the living room, watching a movie. Morgan decided to rewatch Frozen 2 which I chuckled about.

Not for long, another emotion came to my body. It felt calming, this person was relaxed but when I turned to Tony, he looked sad. So it's not Tony.

I decided to look at everyone. The four guys were relaxed. Bucky was leaning on me, same with Thor. Loki was smiling and Clint looked calm.

These four were the only ones relaxed out of everyone. What the heck is happening?

That's when the elevator opened. Two pair of shoes were heard going to the living.

"What is it?" Fury spoke and I waved at him which shocked him. Mom looked like she has seen a ghost.

After a while, mom run to me and I quickly stood up to not disturbed the two as Mom engulfed me with a tight hug. "Oh, my baby." She spoke. Tears going through Bucky's jacket to my skin.

I hugged her back, rubbing her back. "I'm back, mom." I smiled. She let go of me. "You are going to tell me everything, missy!" She spoke again.

I just nodded before looking at Fury. "Well, hello step-dad." I said. He blinked for a bit before walking up to me and hugged me. If I said I was surprised, I was surprised.

I never saw Fury show emotion. Let alone hug someone. I just turned to look up him and smile.

He let me go, "You owe us an explanation. And I think the others don't know what happened as well, considering you just suddenly appeared." Fury spoke. I nodded.

"After the movie. I will."

After the movie, every got into their seats. Nat, Wanda, Peter and Bruce were now beside me. They were only ones who knew and the rest nothing.

"Okay, so what happened was. I remembered being in BB and something about Russia, I think? And all of the sudden I woke to Uncle Wade and Uncle Matthew's apartment." I paused, smiling at mom. She just nodded, smiling.

"Then I stayed there because BB was still around, so we waited until BB dropped down a bit, while Uncle Wade was around the city, looking for news."

"That's when I started getting sick all of the sudden, like morning sickness. Then a few days later, I got the news of *ehem* wedding. And Uncle Wade and I went there secretly."

That news made everyone froze except the 4 who knew.

"That's how I knew, yes. Then both of my uncles thought that they could make my day better by getting sweets and turns out, Wade decided to buy half of the candy shop. And 2 full carrot cakes." I spoke in a groan.

"Yep, sounds like my brother." Mom chuckled. I chuckled as well.

"Then that's when Nat and Wanda saw me and my uncles. And everything went from there to here." I ended the story shortly.

Before a call got received in the tower. Tony hesitantly made Friday answer it. And on the screen were Deadpool and Daredevil.

"Stark." Wade spoke first.

"Deadpool." Tony replied.

I just sighed. "Deadpool." I spoke, crossing my arms. Everyone's eyes were on me. "(Y/N), what are you doing?" Bucky spoke.

"Hey, bunny. We thought it might be the best time to say let's hang out." Wade spoke happily.

"No, babe. That's not what we're here for." Matt spoke in the background.

I just laughed. "Deadpool, please. Besides I bet you just wanted to call to meet Bucky and Loki." I spoke, crossing my arms again.

Wade laughed awkwardly. "Well, you see, bunny... It's been a long time and I want to hang out with my niece!" He spoke faster than sonic.

I facepalmed.

"That guy is (Y/N)'s uncle!" Clint yelled on the ground.

I shook my head. "And the fact, that I actually told them your names, only the first name!" I spoke.

"Aw, baby, it's okay. Now we need to go. We will meet again baby." Matt spoke.

"And sis! No need to thank me. I'm worried of my bunny. Bye bunny, love yo-" Wade spoke before being cut off in the end.

I just chuckled. "Well, meet my uncles I guess." I said, looking at everyone.

"They must be in a basement or in a mission." Mom spoke.

"They are in a basement, mom. I went there once or twice a week when Matt got angry because of Wade's sweet tooth. That was Wade's bad corner." I spoke.

"And I thought my relationship was bad." Mom spoke. Everything went silent before I started laughing, finally getting it.

"Oh screw off, mom." I chuckled, before going back to my seat in between, Thor and Bucky while I held Clint's and Loki's hand.

I just smiled, not caring about everything before I closed my eyes to slumber.

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