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Ep.34 - Killings

"God damnit! I have to call a plummer because of this." I spoke as I keep looking at the leakage before sighing.

"Or not."

With wide eyes, I quickly turn around before getting smacked in the face. I landed head first on the marble countertop before passing out.


"What do you mean she's gone?!"




"O-oh! Yeah, they'll kill them."


I slowly woke up to a throbbing headache, placing both of my hands to my head. My headache started ceasing and I finally noticed the cold stone floor beneath my feet.

"Ah, you're awake."

I quickly looked up to the voice to notice a one-way window. "Who are you?!" I yelled.

"That's not a nice way to greet someone, Ms. (L/N)." The voice spoke.

I stood up from the chair. "I said, who the fuck are you?!" I yelled again.

"No one in particular, but I would like you to meet someone." It said. I keep glaring at the window before looking around the metal room.

Questions: Why is the room metal? And why am I here?

Cannot answer question 1 but question 2, it's because I'm Tony's soulmate. They figured it out, of course they figured it out. They wanted money, of course, why am I even surprise anymore?

With the sound of metal clanking, I immediately looked at the thick metal door on the bottom of the window. It started opening revealing not only one but 5 people.

The one in front must be the one I'm supposed to meet while the other 4 are guards, with guns. Perfect but I won't be getting out of here, for a high-tech piece of room I'm in right now.

I already know there's more guards in here, more than I could imagine.

"It's great to meet you."

I froze as I heard the familiar voice of my father. I stared at the boss-like person in front of the 4 guards.

"We meet again... daughter."  He spoke yet again. I clench my hands into a fist, ready to hit him but with the guys behind him, I need to be extra careful.

I stayed quiet, just giving him a calm face. "What do you want?" I let out.

"You know for a woman like you, you sure look like a stripper." I heard him mumble. "Of course, you'll thought of that considering you sexualized me from the beginning of high school." I replied.

"Have you forgotten about it?" I added. Only to earn a slap across the face. I slowly turn back to him. "You don't speak to your father like that." He said.

"You're not my father." I sternly said. "My father is dead when I was 5 years old. And I remember it." I added.

"You listen to me, you piece of shit!" He yelled, grabbing my face tightly. "I am your father and if you refuse on everything I say, I'll be leaving you here to die." He added.

"Do you even know where you are right now?" He asked as he let my face go. "In a basement probably." I replied. I knew I'm pissing him off, just because of the look on his face.

"You're in Blackblood." He spoke, making me shiver by the name. He started walking away with the guards behind him. "And I'm the mastermind." I heard him as the metal door closed shut.


"Here reporting by the New York Police Department. As we can see behind me, the whole department is shut down as our mysterious killer group, Blackblood, had killed more than 58 polices inside. The chief commander survived with 11 stab wounds and 5 gun shots."

"The Blackblood, had strike again. This is the 25th time this month. With the raging killings of 400 thousand. The FBI, CIA and the government is in deep depression as the haven't found the mysterious killer/s. Will they stop?"

"Where's Blackblood? This week, there were no killings and no destruction that happened, did the government already found the group? Are we safe to go anywhere yet again?"

"Here in Brookfield Place, New York City, in Battery Park City neighborhood at exactly 3 pm. The mall itself was blown into pieces. Many people had died in this incident. And wait, there's also a surprising act after the explosion. A firework in red was blown into the sky with the letters, "BB", one group can only feed themselves with this amount of killings. Blackblood. Are they back to kill yet again?"


He's the mastermind. Fury send me to the Blackblood's area. No, not the Blackblood, the Devil's area. How can I get out of this?

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