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(F/N) - Fake Name

Ep.29 - "We meet again."

"So this is the place?" I heard Peter as we search all around the small room. It's just a small studio room, enough for the money I have. It's near midtown high as well.

Might as well get a part-time job in the library or somewhere.

"Yeah, this is the place. Remember not to tell anyone and stay away from Loki and Wanda, just to be sure." I smiled at him. He just nodded. "Your secret is safe with me." He said while writing an 'X' on his chest.

"Well I gotta blast before Tony started getting more suspicious." And with that, he confidently jumped out the window before swinging around yet again.

"Now to settle in and I'm done. Just need to hide for a while, a vacation. Yeah.."


After a while of moving some stuff around and making sure Bet already packed ALL of my stuff. I was now settling in the small apartment. I even manage to get the assistant librarian job when I visited the community library. That was nice. 

There's still no new news about the others as Peter keep telling me that the 4 guys are willing to kill Tony just to get me back. Which is not new since they would actually do that without or with my consent.

What I am worried about was Fury. He could get my location faster than the speed of light if I'm not careful enough. SHIELD agents are literally everywhere.

"Did you see the news? Tony's soulmate is missing."

I stopped from my tracks as I turned around to a group of girls talking. I was going back to the library from my afternoon break.

The group looked and stared at me. "I'm sorry but can you tell me the news? I haven't been looking through it." I said.

"Oh! Well, Tony got onto the news just yesterday, talking about his soulmate. Pepper Potts was also there, I think she was the one who forced Tony to say it. I really don't know."

"So Tony was talking about his lost soulmate, he said he's sorry and if she found the news maybe she could forgive her." The other girl spoke finishing the girl's story.

I just nodded, "Well thanks for telling me. I'll be on my way." I smiled at them before walking away.

You really think I would forgive you, huh Stark?

I just shook my head as I was nearing the community library. "Hi Ms. October." I spoke as I open the library door. "Ah! (F/N), you're back early. I have a lot of visitors today, help me, can you?" She spoke. I just smiled as I started going around the large library, looking for people who needs help finding a book.

"Are you sure we can find something in here? Strange literally suggest that we could go to THE library."

I stopped on my tracks yet again. The voice..

"Shit." I mumbled to myself before  walking to a different way from the voice. "Where's the library assistant when you need one?"

(Y/N), just keep on walking. Do not turn back, just keep on walking.

I decided to turn to other set of bookcase where I saw two young boys. "Hey boys, do you need help?" I smiled at them.

They turned to me. The other one nodded. "Where's the History section?" The boy asked.

"History.." I repeated before taking out a map of the whole library, reading it. "Ah! It's on the east side of here. On the 4th shelf." I said, looking at the two. "Thank you." They said before walking away.

"Hey, are you the assistant librarian?"

I froze on spot as I heard another familiar voice.

Bruce... Why does it have to be you?

I sighed before turning around. "Yes I am indeed the assistant." I spoke, making my voice lightly higher in pitch.

"(Y/N)?" He mumbled.

"Who's (Y/N)? My name is (F/N)." I replied yet again, smiling at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I must have mistaken you from someone." He said with a nod. I nod back. "Now, what is it you need?"

He gestured me to follow him. I hesitated a bit but I followed. Praying to myself that I haven't blown my cover. We got in between another set of bookshelves and there I saw, Nat, Clint, Steve and Peter.

Why is Peter here? I mean if he suggested about the library.. oh god... No..

"(Y/N)?" I heard Clint. Keeping to myself the urge of hugging him was hard enough. But lying? Oh god. I want to kill myself for this. I don't wanna lie but I can't live with Stark around, ruining my life.

I let out a quiet sigh before looking at him. "I'm not (Y/N), I'm sorry. My name is (F/N) and Mr. Banner told me that earlier. But I'm sorry to disappoint, I'm not her."

You could literally see the sadness within Clint's eyes. I smiled sadly at him. "Well, what do you need my help with?" I spoke in hopes I could make them forget about MY appearance.

I felt Peter stare at me. I glance at him. Shaking my head slightly. He got it, looking down at the ground.

"We need newspapers from the 1940's." Nat spoke. "1940's? Why would you need it?" I replied. "Something went on and we need to look if it was real. We wouldn't actually go on the internet since it could be fake. You wouldn't put your trust onto the internet nowadays." Bruce now spoke.

I just nodded. "There should be one on the restricted area. I'll tell Ms. October first so I could get the keys and with that, please wait near the entrance. I'll be back." I spoke before walking away from them.

I finally found Ms. October near the Fantasy section, helping teens about a book. "Ms?" I called which October turned to. She hummed as a response.

"The avengers are in need of a newspaper from the 1940's." I just spoke. "Ah! I knew it they would be here, I remember seeing them walk in earlier." She said before giving me a set of keys.

"Go, the copy should be in the top shelf." She spoke. I just nodded before walking around the very west side of the library, where I saw a metal door saying 'restricted area' on it.

I opened the door, as the motion sensor light went on. I started searching on the top shelves. But before I could look at the very top I felt something aiming on my head.

"We meet again."

"Hello..... Father."

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