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(E/N) - enemy's name or a person you hate. If you don't hate anyone, just a random name.

Ep. 42 - Something happened

"Tony." I whispered in my breath. Loki hummed before letting go of me. "What about him?" He asked.

"He re-" I spoke before getting cut off by Clint.

"We're here!" Clint yelled, smiling from the elevator. Loki and I turned to them before I smiled. "Nat! Wanda! We're going out!" I yelled back to the dining room before grabbing Loki's hand and pulled him to the elevator.

We ended up going to a restaurant and the boys started arguing at each other on who's going to pay on me. Bucky ended up winning, his face looked proud that he won. While the other three just glared at him.

After eating, all of us ended up walking around the park. Parks at night were wonderful, it's so peaceful, relaxing and the stars just made it so romantic.

"You look stunning/beautiful/perfect/out of this world." The four guys spoke. I turned to them before laughing. Thor and Bucky got a goofy smile while blushing. Clint was looking around, avoiding eye contact while Loki looked proud.

I just kissed each one of them on the cheeks before looking up to the sky again.

Once it was time to go back. I held Bucky's and Clint's hands as we went to the elevator.

We got to my floor after the greetings of Friday. Plus the fact that Friday literally asked how was the date. It was my turn to be embarrassed in front of them.

Clint chuckled, Bucky and Loki looked so proud and Thor who said that it was good.

I started walking not letting go of both their hands.

"What do you mean, you rejected her?! Tony, for the love of god! Why would you do that?! And you said, (E/N) was just a fling. But you ended up marrying her! What is wrong with you?!" Shouting can heard in the living room.

You shook your head to the four and pulled Clint and Bucky back to my room. Loki and Thor just nodded, following through.

We got back to my room and I went to bathroom to change my clothes. I wore Loki's shirt, shorts and Thor's cape for extra warmth.

I got out to see all of them half naked. I felt my cheeks burning at this point. Loki was the first one who came to me and carried me to the bed. Where the other for rest.

I was in the middle of them. Bucky on my left side, Clint beside him and Loki on my right, Thor beside him.

Morning came and warmth was all I feel. I was cuddled up in between Loki and Bucky still. I wiggled my way out but Bucky held onto me tighter.

"5 more minutes." Bucky grumble. I just giggled.

"C'mon, you guys, it's morning." I spoke, kissing Bucky's neck before turning to kiss Loki's jaw.

They both hummed before letting go. I finally sat up only to notice Clint on the floor and Thor almost falling. One more push, he will be on the floor.

"C'mon, you two." I spoke. Shaking Thor's leg before going to Clint to shake his arm. "Clint, C'mon wake up."

About a minute or so, the four guys finally stood up. I decided to take a bath. And that's when I heard the door open.


"You four are fucks." I glared at them. They just smirked. "Didn't mean to hurt you, my lady." Thor spoke, wrapping his arms around me. Him using his innocent voice.

"All of you are needy little fuckers."  I glared again. "Now my back hurts."

"Mr. Rogers is asking if everything is alright?" Friday spoke.

"Yes, everything is alright. We'll be  down in a bit. And Thor carry me. I don't trust these three." I spoke yet again in a glare. After that, Loki and Clint decided to dress me up into Bucky's jacket and some shorts. When I said Loki's shirt is torn. Loki's shirt is torn.

Thor carried me bridal style before walking out. Bucky opening the door, looking quite proud.

"Just so you know, we're the ones who got you limping." Clint whispered seductively.

"Shut the fuck up, Barton." I glared at him. "And don't say a word, Laufeyson. I will cut your tongue. Bucky, just be you and Thor, don't drop me." I said.

They just nodded. "Feisty this morning, aren't ya?" Loki spoke.

"I will literally cut your tongue." I spoke again, staring at Loki. He was about to say something but shut his mouth suddenly before nodding.

I nodded proudly that I put him in his place. Until I felt scared. I was shocked as to why. I decided to shook it out of my mind. As you walk in the dining room.

"(Y/N)!" Morgan yelled again. I just smiled as Thor put me down to a seat. Whining as the metal hit my sore ass.

Morgan definitely adding the pain as she jumped to my lap. I decided to hide the pain, smiling at her. "How's my favorite person?"

Morgan was about to speak until Nat spoke. "Oh! How's your back?"  I looked at her, shocked.

"Is your back okay? What happened?" Morgan now questioned worriedly. I mentally face palmed myself before glaring at Nat.

"Morgan, nothing's wrong with my back. Nat and I were just being harsh at training." I spoke, smiling at Morgan before glaring at Nat.

Nat giggled, smirking before going back to her food. Morgan was still looking at me worriedly but I just smiled at her.

"Now, go back to your mom so I can eat alright?" I asked her. She has nodded and I put her down, which gain the pain a bit. She immediately run to Pepper, who was also smirking. I shook my head at her, before turning away.

Clint gave me my food. And I started eating. Bucky and Thor sometimes asking me to try their food. Even though it's the same as theirs.

Just in time for Tony and (E/N) to go in hand and hand. Tony turned to me with sad eyes but I ignore him. I can't face him when he did it.

He rejected me.

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