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Ep.4 - Drunken Song

Still Tony's pov:

'My soulmate is a 17 year-old.'

I watched her run to the doors, Bruce and Natasha were the one's looking straight at me now. "Stark.."I heard Nat. "It's her." I said softly.

Sadness and anger strike at me as I replayed her running away from me in my head. I finally noticed (M/N) running straight out of the court and maybe to her. But why though?.

"She's 17. Same age as Peter." Bruce now whispered on my left. "I know." I called. I keep my straight face on, not even listening to what Steve was saying. "So are you going after her or what?" Nat asked.

"Shut up." I snapped before walking back to the backstage. I can feel eyes at me. I know they're looking but I didn't care. I need some time to process what just happened.

Your pov:

'Tony motherfucking Stark is my soulmate?!' I screamed in my head as I ran to the empty halls, finally getting inside of the bathroom. I decided to wash my face as I kept thinking about his brown eyes, seemingly peering at me with love and lust.

"Sweetie?" I tense at the voice of someone before calming down as it was only mom's voice. "Mom.." I called, looking at her.

"Tony is your soulmate, huh?" She said. I just let a sigh out before nodding. "He is." I replied. The scent of Tony was still with mom. I pinch my nose. "Why does it have to be him?" I mumbled to myself.

"Hon, if you're going to think he's going to judge you, he won't." She said before rubbing both of my arms, comforting me the best she could. "Mom.. You knew he's married." I said, looking at her from the mirror.

"Everyone was talking about it a long time ago." I continued. She closed her eyes before hugging me. "I know but he didn't knew you exist yet." Mom said. My stomach twist with different emotions.

"I might ruin his reputation." I mumbled again. "Just tell me if you want to meet him but as of right now, let's not talk about him. You can go home if you want and make sure to relax, I don't want you tensing to something so little."  She said, opening her eyes as she smiled sweetly at me.

"Yeah, I'll take a day-off." I chuckled softly. "Okay, let's go, I'll call a taxi to drive you home." She said. "Really, mom?" I giggled. "Oh, c'mon. You know your uncle will definitely drive you home." She chuckled, pinching my cheek.

"Ow! Mom!" I whined. She stopped as she laughed. "Still can't believe that you're now a secretary in a business my soulmate has, then uncle who's now fired in there and is now a taxi drive." I said, remembering uncle came home drunk as hell.

"He's driving a car with a tongue out!" Mom sang, mocking him when he was drunk. I laughed. "He's very goofy when he's drunk." I laughed before shaking my head.

"Oh, c'mon hon. Your uncle's 'original' drunken song is everything." She replied with a laugh. I had tears in my eyes now as I keep laughing.

Once we're done with the singing and laughing, we were now outside of the school, waiting for uncle to drive by.

"(M/N)!" Me and mom both turned to see the other woman. "Something wrong, Mellisa?"  My mom called. "You're needing by Mr. Stark and he's been looking for you for the past half hour." She said. Mom gasped. "Wait for your uncle, alright?" Mom said.

"I'll wait for him, go." I smiled at her. With a smile back, she kissed my forehead before running off with Mellisa beside her. "Stark, Stark, Stark.." I heard a man's voice behind me. A familiar voice I knew.

I turned around to see him, leaning on his taxi car. "She's a secretary now." I giggled at him, putting a hand on my hip. "That's good news, now c'mon before I'll get another call." He said, opening the back door.

"Such a gentleman." I laughed before going in. "You're my cousin, duh." I heard him as he shut the door and walked to the driver's seat.

We were now on the road. "So what happened? Your mother texted me that you're down because of something." He said as he stopped at a red light.

I stayed quiet. He patiently waiting for me to answer. We started running again just as the same time I spoke.

"Soulmate thing." I spoke. "You met your soulmate?" He asked. "Yes and it's Stark himself." I replied. Everything got silent. Uncle's hard breathing was the only thing I could heard.

It was awkward and filled with tension. "But you know he-" "He's married, yeah." I finished his sentence. "Sweetheart.." He called. "Want me to bring you lavender tea and chocolate later on?" He sadly smiled at me, looking at me at his rearview mirror.

"That would be okay, I guess." I softly smiled back. We got to the house and I walked out. "Relax yourself alright? I'll bring your chocos later." I smiled at him. "Bye uncle!" "Bye sweetheart. Remember to relax." I heard him as his taxi were driving off.

I let out a sigh of relief before waking in the door. I unlocked it with my spare key on my necklace. Walking in the comfy home. I got to my room where I went to the bathroom and fill my bathtub with soapy water.

'(Y/N), just relax alright? Just relax, we'll be talking to mom later on. Just keep your mind off of him and relax.' I thought.

"I want to talk to him."

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