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Ep.20 - Happy Birthday To Me

I felt the sudden urge to just kiss him here and there. I rolled my eyes at the thought before speed walking to him.

"Hey, (Y/N) loo-"

"Shush." I quickly interrupted him before leaning in to kiss his cheeks. I quickly opened the door and got in the bathroom, leaving the confused and embarrassed Loki outside of my room.


Once I got out, I smiled at the fact that he's now sitting on my bed. He grinned towards me. "You're clearly watching the door, are you?" I giggled.

"I can't deny or confirm, my love." He smirked. I rolled my eyes at that. "Let's just go and eat." I said before walking out the door with Loki following.

I felt eyes on my back as we walk. "Stop glancing at me, Mr. Laufeyson." I said glancing at him from the back. Can't help it, dear. You're gorgeous.

I felt my cheeks burn, immediately looking away from him just to hide it.

We got to the dining room. I sat beside Bucky and Clint yet again as I saw Pepper on a seat beside Tony.

He's busy with her, huh? (Y/N), look I'm sorry. No need to apologize I got my answer. I rolled my eyes at their conversation in my head. Wanda just eyed Loki, a shocked look on her face.

Loki just smirked before getting some food. I didn't even notice that Bucky already put shaped fruits on my plate. I just looked at him, putting another one on my plate.

He just giggled. "Sneaky, isn't he?" Clint whispered on my left ear. I slap his arm and glared at him playfully before giggling.

I could feel Tony's eyes were onto me yet again. I just looked at Thor and Loki, smiling before playfully rolling my eyes.

Thor almost let a laugh out as Loki snorted. I decided to dig in my food. Not noticing the smirks Natasha was sending me.

I finished my dinner before plopping down the couch. Bucky was near my feet while I was using Thor's lap as a pillow. Clint was sitting on the armrest beside Bucky while Loki was on the other one.

I could feel the glare of Tony on the other couch while Pepper was sitting on his lap. We're planning on having a movie night and I don't know why. That's when I remembered the day tomorrow. My birthday. Oh god, do they know? Surely they do, right? I don't even know if they do. Who ever said it first, I'm gonna kiss them!

"Kiss who?" I heard Loki as he was playing with my hair. This seemed to catch attention with everyone.  "Uh, nothing. Just daydreaming." I chuckled nervously. Please tell me you don't know.

"I really don't know, dear." He replied once again. I was now glaring at him. If you don't shut up, I'm taking back what I did earlier on.

This managed to shut the green lover up, nodding his head slightly clearly getting it. Wanda just chuckle at our little fight.

"But seriously, I don't know what you were talking about? What's going on?" Loki told again. "Nothing, shut up. I'll wait for something." I quickly said before positioning myself to a much more comfortable position, gaining my attention to the television in front of me.

"Okay." Loki muttered, finally dropping the thing off.


I woke up in the morning on Loki's lap, he was still sleeping so I manage to see his features. His sharp jaw, his long eyelashes, literally everything. "Are you checking me out, love?" I heard him. "Uhh- no." I quickly say as my cheeks turned red. He just chuckled.

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