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Mama: Cassie Mom: Billie


For the next few days, mom and I haven't spoken a single word to each other since I caught her cheating on mama and I called her out for it. I don't regret it though because she deserved it.

She did try talking to me but I ignored her and once again I didn't feel bad. I haven't told mama about what happened, even though I want to but who knows what could happen to us as a family, I'll be away from my siblings most of the time I don't want that.

"Wussup with you both? you guys always talk to each other now you guys are quiet," Mama asked mom and me, we both made eye contact before I shrugged and looked away.

"Guys this is unhealthy what's wrong?"

"I don't know maybe ask your asshole of a wife"

"I'm going to get enough of you calling me an asshole"

"Because you are," i stood up and slammed my hands on the table.

"Go to your fucking room" she stood up

"You're acting like this is my fault I hate you"

"You can keep hating me in your room"

"Fine you asshole"

"Eloise I swear to fucking god-"

"What are you gonna do hit me??"

"Just go to your room I've had enough,"

I stormed off slamming my door on the way and screamed into my pillow.


I pet my kitten on the head as she purred and rubbed her head against my face, it honestly comforted me a little bit, it's nice to know at least someone has my back.

I continued petting Mia until I heard a knock at my door revealing mom, she sat on the bed next to me but she reeked of alcohol of course she's drunk.

"I'm sorry about everything I should've never acted the way I did," she said.

I just wish you were sober so I can tell if you really mean it or not

"It's fine..."

"I love you Eloise and I don't want us to fight you're my daughter and I don't want to go down a bad road"

"It's not me you should be worried about," I mumbled and she sighed.

"Bring it in," she hugged me and kissed my head.

"Try to get some sleep okay," she stroked my hair.


"Good night," we pulled away.


She stood up and walked out of my room closing my door on the way.


I went downstairs to get some breakfast and both of our moms are out so Auntie Claudia is watching us, Alaia came over too. We sat at the table and ate some pancakes, while they talked and laughed about some things. I stayed quiet because I didn't feel like talking to anybody.

"Eloise you okay?" Auntie asked me


"You sure? You've been quiet"

I smiled and nodded.

"I heard you and your mom got into an arguement. You want to talk about it?"

"..It's nothing. I just don't like it when she drinks so much"

"Then tell her I'm sure she'll cut down on the alcohol"

"She already apologized either way I tell her all the time but she doesn't listen"

"Oh I'm sorry me and your uncle will talk to her okay?"


"I promise things will get better," she cupped my cheeks.

"I hope"

"Don't worry okay now hurry before your food gets cold" she smiled.

I smiled and finished my food and washing my plate in the sink.


Mom came home late again and this time she got drunk and knocked out on the couch, as much as I am mad at her, I still care about her.

I cleared all of the empty beer cans that were sitting on the coffee table and threw them away into the trash. I then grabbed a blanket putting over her so she can stay warm.

I kissed her head before going back upstairs to my room and watched a couple videos on YouTube until I fell asleep myself.


"Aren't you going to eat your food?" Mama asked me.

"I'm not hungry"

"I'll take it," my brother said.

"Here," I gave him my plate.

"Billie step out," mama told her.

"What why?"

"You really want to question me?" She gave her a death stare.

"Alright jeez," she stood up and walked away.

"What's up with you two?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Eloise it's okay you can tell me," she moved my hair out of my face.

"I can't I'm sorry," I ran to my room and cried into my pillow.

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