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"Billie can we talk," I walked into her office while she was at work.

"Uh oh," She put down everything to give me her full attention.

"you okay?" She asked as she closed the door to her office.

"I'm not sure B"

"you're pregnant aren't you?"

"Fuck how do you always know?"

"You have that same look on your face every time you tell me," she chuckled to herself.

"it's yours and I don't know what to do"

"Well what are you thinking?"

"I wanna keep it but... I might have to get an abortion"

"I personally also want to keep it, but that's not up to me that's completely up to you and I respect whatever you want to do with it"

"That's just the thing I don't know if I'll go through with it," I stood up running my fingers through my hair, I felt tears forming in my eyes and I couldn't stop them from coming.

"Hey it's alright," She pulled me into a hug and kissed my head while rubbing my back for comfort.

Damn pregnancy hormones.

"I love you," I hiccupped.

"I love you more"

I nodded and got on my tippy toes kissing her lips, I just wanted to feel her touch, and her lips on mine. That's all I needed right now.

"And I'm off of work let's go get some ice cream and not think about this too much okay?"

"Okay," I smiled and kissed her lips.


"What now?" I groaned as I heard my phone ringing usually people just text me, but when people call, I always know it's some shit. I turned my phone over and it was my kids school and they're calling about...Emilia???


We drove up to the school and ran into the office to witness my daughter crying while holding a napkin up to her bleeding ear.

"What happened my love"


"Hey take your time it's okay just breathe"

"She hit a kid with a book almost breaking his nose we wanted to let you know that we have a zero- some teacher or principal spoke

"Why is her ear bleeding?" I cut her off because I was already tired of her bullshit.

"he ripped out my hearing aid and broke it" Emilia cried.

"That's not an excuse for violence Ms. O'Connell" the woman spoke again.

"Shut up honestly shut up, do you know how fucking expensive those are just so she can hear out of one ear? It's sexist how you let this boy get away get away from shit like this when she was just defending herself look at her ear»

Now if I have to come down here with some bullshit like this again I'll personally sue your ass for the damages I should honestly beat your ass and beat the shit out of that little fuckers mom"

"Please don't cuss in here Ms. O'Connell we're trying to get this situation resolved," the Principal said.

"Respectfully fuck that you'd be pissed too if it was your kids and I sure as hell don't play about mine now excuse me I have to take her to see a doctor"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12 ⏰

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