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I was in class fidgeting with my pencil until I felt a paper ball being thrown at the back of my head, I looked behind me to see my ex bestfriend Olivia and her friends laughing at me.

I rolled my eyes and continued my work, being the bigger person and ignoring them. We were doing a test and the teacher wasn't paying attention to us. I felt another paper ball being thrown at me but i ignored it, again!


I felt another one, then another and another.

Until I finally had enough.

I stood up slamming my hands on her desk.

"What the fuck is your problem huh?" I yelled catching everybody's attention.

"Eloise go to the principal's office," The teacher told me.

"No stand up and fight me bitch"

"You're crazy get out of here," her stupid snobby friend said to me.

"Shut the fuck up this isn't about you I said stand up and fight me bitch," I pushed the desk to the side.

"Stand the fuck up"

I grabbed Olivia by the shirt and threw her on the ground before getting on top of her throwing punches at her face ignoring the pain in my knuckles, she screamed and cried but I didn't stop I just couldn't I felt like something was taking over me.

I stopped punching her and started ripping chunks of her hair out, I looked over and saw a pencil, I grabbed it and tried to stab her with it, but I felt myself being pulled off of her, I yelled and fought trying to get out of their arms because all I was thinking about was killing her.


I sat in the office silently crying because I knew I was going to be in so much trouble. I felt somebody come in and sit in the chair next to me and i knew it was mom from her familiar scent and hand tattoos, but I didn't bother to look up and face her because she's probably already angry with me.

Also Olivia and her mom was here. The principle went over what I did and I explained what happened but I got after school detention for a week and Olivia is off the hook, all she had to do was sign a form stating that she couldn't talk or go near me.

Stupid bitch.

"Hey look at me," my mom took off my hood and I looked up at her but she didn't look mad or disappointed in fact I couldn't read her face which kinda scared me a bit.

"let's go"

"That's it? She ripped out my daughter's hair she should be expelled"

"Well maybe your daughter shouldn't fucking bully people"

"It was a paper ball"

"It was multiple paper balls plus Eloise having to put up with your daughter's shit for months"

"It was nothing harmless but your daughter is crazy and she gets it from you

"You're a fucking hypocrite, If mine gets it from me your daughter gets it from you"

"I'm not the bipolar drug addict"

"Look man I just got out of prison and I'm not trying to go back so tell her to back the fuck off or her daughter won't be the only one with a fucked up face," she told the principle.

"Ladies can we have a seat," the principle said.

"Now I think I'm going to take my kid home let's go,"

I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulders before walking out of school.


"Wussup baby?"

"I'm sorry I didn't know Olivia told her mom about that I'm sorry please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad it's okay El, I know I've put you through so much when you were little and I know how it can affect you now and I'm sorry"

I nodded and she wiped my tears

"You're not mad at me?"

"No I'm not baby not at all"

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