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"You okay El?" Mama asked me.


"Hey just breathe it's gonna be okay"

"But what If it's not what if she doesn't make it"

"Don't say that okay, your mom is strong and she's going to fight this"

"How did she even end up like this?"

"She was shot baby I'm sorry but luckily they found her in time"

"But now she's in a coma, what if she doesn't wake up?"

"Don't think that, Billie is strong I know she's going to push through"

"But what if she doesn't?"

"Don't think like that it's gonna be okay"

"I hope so"


It's been an hour since and we haven't left the hospital, I finally built enough courage to go up to my mom and lay next to her, the scent of her shampoo filled my nose and immediately comforted me but, I just wish she can wrap her arms around me and tell me everything will be okay.

"Wake up soon mommy," I whispered in her ear hoping she can somehow hear me.

I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her cheek then got up from the bed and walked off.


I barged into Sage's room and she was smoking a blunt while listening to music with her brother.

"Oh shit you scared me," Her brother said.


"Whatchu doing here baby?" Sage blew smoke out and put out her blunt.

"Can I steal Sage for a couple minutes?" I asked her brother.

"Y'all finna fuck ain't y'all" He asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Fuck I didn't actually wanna know"

"Bro just get the fuck out," Sage said to him.

"Keep it down I'm not tryna hear that"

"Too bad," Sage followed him to the door and shut it.


I took off my shirt and walked up to Sage sitting on her bed and I sat on her lap.

We made out and I immediately untied the strings to her pants. She cupped my cheek with her left hand and kissed down my neck to mark me up.

I pulled Sage's tank top over her head and continued to roughly make out with her.

"Forget it," I told Sage after she reached over to her night stand to grab a condom.


"Eloise you okay?" Sage asked me after she got out of the shower.

I sat on the floor and silently cried to myself, I thought having sex and getting high would help, it did in the moment, but now I'm just left with my emotions.

"Talk to me what's wrong?" She asked me.

"My mom's in a coma, she got shot and she killed the guy who shot her"

"Oh shit Eloise fuck I can't imagine what you're going through I'm so sorry"

"I miss her so much and I'm so scared that's she's not going to pull through"

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