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Mom: Billie mama: Cassie


"You're looking to buy some weed?"

"Yeah I heard you deal so wussup?" I told some guy that I was recommended to, I've heard he's got the best shit, could be laced but frankly I don't give a shit, I just need something to take the edge off for a bit. He was located behind a club, apparently he works there, but also does shady business on the side.

"It's all I got left came at a bad time"

"I don't care just give me what you got"

"That'll be 20"


"Eloise?" I heard a familiar voice say.

I looked over to see my mom's friend Mika walking towards us. Mika used to watch over me sometimes, we used to play games and eat ice cream.

But that's besides the point...

"The hell are you doing here you can't be here"

"She was looking to buy weed," the guy said.

"She's a child and we're leaving"

"I'm not going anywhere"

"I bet your mother is looking for you as we speak"

"Well she can piss off cause I'm not going home"

"The hell's the matter with you?"

"Nothing I've had a shitty night can I just I just get the weed and go?"

"No let's go"

"You're not my fucking mom you can't tell me what to do"

"I grew up with your mother and I changed your diapers so you don't get to sit there and tell me what's what"

"I don't care I just want the fucking weed"

"Then what? You get faded, you get in trouble but at least you had that moment of relief, does it feel like it's worth it? If you're not going home then where are you going to lay your head tonight ever thought about that, or you just thought about getting high?"

"I have somewhere to go and I think you should mind your business"

"Listen I'm not finna argue with a child get in my god damn car I'm taking you home"


"Alright you wanna do this the hard way," she picked me up and threw me over her shoulder.

"Hey let me down you bitch I should call the cops this is child abuse"

"Get in the car and stop your whining," she opened the car door and sat me down in the passengers seat before slamming it.

She walked to the other side and got into the driver's seat.


"You hungry?" She cut me off by asking.

I was starving in fact

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