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Mom: Billie mama: Cassie

The next day


"You're so funny Billie," Aria laughed at a joke I made on our second date, we decided to have a romantic dinner in a restaurant next to the beach. It was Aria's idea and I knew a perfect restaurant.

"Eh I'm decent"

"Decent? You're the most interesting person I've met"


"Yeah, you seem like you had an interesting life"

"I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing"

"A good thing"

"If I told you my whole life story you're in for a long ride"

"Either way you're still here, you're a strong independent woman and your own boss"

"I guess that's what happens when you have a plan and execute it"

"You inspire me Billie," she smiled and raised up her glass of wine.

I held my glass and attached it to hers making a clink noise when the two glasses touched.


"You're so romantic," Aria told me as we were walking on the sand at the beach.

"Fuck off no I'm not," I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"You don't realize it but you are," she nudged my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her waist.

"I do have a surprise for you though"

"For me?"

"I still feel bad for the way my kid treated you so I got you something to make up for you allowing me to let me take you out again"

"You don't have to spend money on me"

"Too bad it's not like I can return it," I winked at her.

"Tell me more about your kids,"

"The one you met is my oldest Eloise, she's 16, super smart in school, athletic she's very competitive at everything, very talented in drawing, playing instruments, but has a big fucking mouth can't blame her though when you know who her mom is," I chuckled referring to myself.

"My boy, Jayden, he's quiet in school in his own bubble most of the time, but he's also a bright kid he's very goofy when you get to know him, he's 13, he's into anime and he's very talented at art he has such a creative mind but I don't think he realizes that"

"My daughter, Emilia, my baby girl, she's 7, very smart kid, I have a feeling she's going to be a dancer because she could dance all day long, she also likes playing the piano and her creativity is brilliant"

"Last but not least, Maliky, he's 4, very smart for his age, lately he's been showing an interest in sports so I think he's going to be a very athletic kid, he just started preschool I'm so proud of him"

"It seems like you adore them, the way you talk about them makes my heart melt in a way"

"They mean the world to me, I feel like I'd be dead or lost without them"

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