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I had my headphones on and I was drawing something in my sketchbook trying to distract myself from my thoughts.

My mom's been in bed for 3 days, I genuinely believe she's going through one of her bipolar manic episodes and I've been watching over her by myself and making sure she's been taking her meds and has water, even though I'm the one forcing her to take them and drink the water.

She hasn't eaten, and I haven't told anyone about it praying that she'll just snap out of it.

But I can't even get her to talk to me and I'm worried.

I got an incoming call from my uncle Finneas so I picked it up.

"Hey Eloise haven't talked to my niece in a while just wanted to see how you're doing"

"Uncle...I need help"

"What's going on are you hurt?"

"It's mom, she won't get out of bed it's been 3 days"

"Has she eaten?"


"Shit I'm on my way just hold tight"


I heard a door close from outside of my bedroom, I immediately got up to see if my mom finally came out of her bedroom.

I saw her fully dressed and out of bed and she was patting her pockets looking for something.


"Hey kiddo what's going on?" I heard uncle Finneas say through the phone.

Once she found her keys in one of her pockets she took off running down the stairs.

"Mom," I dropped my phone and ran after her.

By the time I got outside she was in her car so I tried to get the door open, but she skirted off in her fast car and drove at least 80-90 mph to a hundred, even if I got into another one of her cars to chase after her it'll be no use, and it'll be a danger to myself because I don't know how to drive that fast.


"She just drove off?" Uncle Finneas asked me

"Yeah she just took off and left in a hurry"

"Nobody knew about the state she was in?"


"And you were alone with her?"


"El you have to tell people these things, these things you can't handle on your own especially at your age"

"I thought she'd just snap out of it or something I mean I got her to take her meds at least it was something"

"With food?"


"You don't take meds without food unless the doctor says it's okay"

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