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"Jesus fuck are those tattoos?" I asked Eloise.

"Oh shit yeah I was drinking and let Sage tattoo me," she held up her middle finger to show it off along with a matching one on the same hand.

"I should smack you again"

"Then you'll wake me out of my sleep," she chuckled and propped her head on the pillow preparing to go back to sleep.

"Eloise you gotta behave," I sat next to her on her bed.


"I mean it, I don't wanna have to come back down here because you're too much to handle I just need this one favor from you"

"Okay mom"

"You promise?"

"I promise only if you pinky promise to take me somewhere fun just you and me," she held out her pinky.

"I pinky promise," I attached my pinky to hers.

"Rest up chicken," I moved her hair out of her face to kiss the side of her head.

"I love you mom"

"I love you too"


"Hey Aria you okay?"

"Billie we should talk"

"Okay wussup?"

"Billie I don't know if we should be together anymore," she said.


"Because I can't get along with your daughter and it seems like you and your ex wife have a lot of chemistry still left over"

"We've been broken up for years I don't know what you mean?"

"Billie c'mon it's obvious"

"What's obvious Aria?"

"I know you still have feelings for her I'm not slow nor stupid I overheard your conversation in the kitchen"

"Aria we were just fucking around she's getting married"

"Billie I saw you touching her, it hurts to say it your daughter was right I shouldn't trust a cheater, so with all due respect we're done I'm sorry"


"Billie please I have nothing more to say to you"

"Just hear me out"

"You can have each other"


The next day


"Like what you see?" Billie asked as she was fixing my dishwasher for me.

"No," I cleared my throat.

"Well I figured since you were staring so hard that you do"

I mean you're hot as fuck who wouldn't stare?

"I was just making sure you were doing it right"

"How would you know if you literally asked me to fix it for you?"

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