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Mom: Billie mama: Cassie

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Eloiseoconnell babooshka

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It was lunch time and I stepped away towards the farther route from where everyone was at the school enjoying their lunch. Somewhere that I could be alone and it was quiet. I chose the staircase at the very top near the rooftop.

I hang out here quite a lot so I knew I'd be okay.

all they could do is talk about me and call me crazy so I needed a break from everyone alone.

I pulled out my vape from my backpack, I got it from some dealer here and I wanted to try it. I knew it wasn't going to get me high but I wasn't really looking for that.

I'm not my mom.

I put it up to my lips and inhaled it, There was a sweet taste of strawberry lemonade that filled my mouth it was quite good. I exhaled letting the smoke leave my lips and disolve into thin air shortly after. There was a kind of void after taste in my mouth after.

I didn't really feel anything but a slight headache, I didn't really know what I was expecting but I guess I have to keep smoking it to find out what the hype is all about.

When I was younger, I always followed in my mom's footsteps, and they affect me till this day, I talk like her, I act like her.

It started when I was little, I always looked up to my mom and even did the little things she did, it was kinda cute if you think about it for a small child, but my mother has a dark side, and I don't want that for myself.

But I can't escape it, it follows me wherever I go and sometimes it controls me, like that time I fought Olivia.

That's not me.


"Hey how you been?" Uncle Finneas asked me after he picked me up from after school detention.

"I'm okay"

"Your mama told me about the fight you got into yesterday what happened?"

"She kept throwing paper balls at me so I snapped"

"So you started the fight?"


"What's going on with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your mama said you've been down and you get bullied at school is that true?"


"I'm sorry that's happening to you but we all know violence isn't the answer, it's better to tell an adult," he pulled into the driveway of his house.

"I do and they do nothing because they're all just assholes who want me gone"

I scoffed and grabbed my bag getting out and heading inside.


"how you holding up?" Auntie Claudia asked me.

"I'm fine"

"You sure?"

"Mhm," I nodded.

"You know you could talk to us anytime"

"Why is everyone so concerned about me I'm fine"

"Because with everything going on-?"

"I said I'm fucking fine why can't you get that through your head I'm fine"

I yelled and slammed my fist on the table making her jump before realizing what I just done, so I stood up and walked away.

"Eloise," Claudia tried to chase after me but my uncle Finneas stopped her.

"Give her a minute," he said to her

I walked outside to the backyard and walked on the side of the house where there were no cameras and I pulled out my vape and smoked it cause why not?

I know what you're thinking, 12 and smoking, but i fell into a depression after all of the things I've gone through in my entire life, even when I got a break, I realized that all breaks end when my mother went to prison.

It was six months, but six months without her is a long time for me.

and i just want to forget about every bad thing in my life right now.

I pulled out my phone to call my mom, and after 2 rings she finally picked up

"Hey El wussup?" She said.

"Hey mom I just wanted to see what you were doing"

"I'm just finishing up at the office but I'm almost off of work and I'll be picking you guys up in like an hour or so"

"Okay mom i love you"

"I love you too baby," she said in her baby voice.

"I'll let you get back to work then"

"Be good at uncle Finneas's for me until I get there don't give them a hard time"

"I think it's too late for that," I looked down at my feet and fidgeted with my vape in hand.

"What did you do?"

"Can I have him tell you?"

"Fine but you be good until I get there"




"Bye bye"

I hung up.

I sighed and got up off the ground going back inside.

"I'm going to take a nap in the guest room"

"Eloise wait," I heard uncle Finneas say and i turned around to face him.

"...Never mind sweet dreams"

"Thanks," I went into the guest bedroom closing the door behind me before flopping down on the soft bed, I got under the blankets and eventually fell asleep.

I was woken up to my mom's voice and her lightly shaking me awake.

"Hey wake up baby it's time to go," she said.

I groaned and slowly sat up but i had a headache.

"Ow my head hurts"

"We can take something for it when we get home okay?"

"Okay," I groaned.

"C'mon" she picked me bridal style and grabbed my stuff. We went downstairs and mom put me in her car.

I immediately rested my head against the window and closed my eyes again.


"Thanks again for watching them I really appreciate it," I told my brother and Claudia.

"No problem"

"Do you know what's been up with Eloise lately she had like a mood swing earlier"

"Yeah she's been having those lately but with me going to prison and the divorce and shit it's been really hard on her"

"I know but I'll talk to you about it later you guys take care"

"You too I'll see you bye"

I walked over to the driver's seat and got into my car, I looked over at Eloise sleeping in the passenger's seat. I moved her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.

"You guys got your seatbelts on?" I asked them

"Yep," Jayden said.


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