Chapter 03: Homecoming Party & Big Surprises

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Chapter 03: Homecoming Party & Big Surprises

After a few decades, or so what it felt like, the pilot thought it was a good time to let us land.

The car ride to their house was quiet as Stefan and Laura didn't try to make me talk.

Real mature Stella.

I groaned mentally. Why does not it leave me alone?

I looked through the window and looked over the city of Washington. It was not how I expected it to be. It just looked like a normal city. People were busy, I checked my phone where I already set up local time here. Thank goodness I charged it on the plane. It was around eleven.

I would be lying if I say I was not feeling at least a little bit of excitement. Or let us call it curiously. I mean, I am actually moving to a new place. I always knew I had to leave home, but I never thought it would come so soon. So sudden.

We left the city behind us and entered the residential area. The first few streets had normal two-stories but then the car took a turn in the left and I could not say anything more about the streets other than fancy gates and mansions far inside. When the car stopped, my eyes made connection with a beautiful two-story building instead if some fancy mansions. Sure, we entered through some fancy gates, and there was a fancy fountain in the front, but the size of the place did not seem awkwardly fancy. It was beautiful. White or maybe cream color. I couldn't say because of the dark.

When we got out of the car I could hear music blasting from inside. Cloe fell asleep long ago so Stefan carried her out of the car.

"That must be your brothers," Laura said to me when she got out of the car. "Maybe they had thrown a welcome party for you." She smiled.

Really? I can feel it more than just a welcome party.

But instead of saying that out loud, I curtly nodded.

Honestly the only thing I wanted to find out is the room I will be staying in and the bed inside it.

What? I have not slept in days! A girl needs her beauty sleep.

Stefan carried Cloe inside and told us he'll put her on bed.

"Let us go inside." Laura walked in the other direction and I followed her since I had no idea about the place.

There were paintings hanging on the wall of the lobby. When we turned right, a boy around nine or ten bumped into me. I caught him before he could fall.

I reached his level. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked him. He was trembling badly. We could hear drunken cheering noises somewhere nearby.

Laura has a confused look on her face. She walked in the back yard and froze in the middle.

I held a hand if the little boy and walked up beside her to see what happened.

When my eyes met the scene, they literally came out of the sockets.

What we found would have undoubtedly won the best Welcoming Award if such things exist.

And there in front of us was a girl around my age, half-naked, making out with a guy on the sofa. And there were some others around the table, mostly cheering.

And the worst part was, they were in the process of undressing.

Suddenly I realized I had a ten year old holding my hands. And the only word skipped from my mouth.

"What the fuck!'' Words left my mouth before I knew it.

First I thought I was not loud enough. But then all the heads turned towards me.

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