Chapter Two: Fight & Flight

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Quick note: if you guys are enjoying A Silver Lining, check out my other book High School Survival Theory on my profile! It's completed now!

Chapter 02: Fight & Flight

Okay I was smart again, cowardly enough not to run away. After having enough of their emotional appeal, I opened the door.

Oh and did I mention the best part of their divorce story? They kept each of my brothers but not me. They simply gave me away and let mamma and papa adopt me.

But why do they have to come now? My inner voice questioned. Why now when everything was going right with my life at last? Why not when I needed them?

And you know when they say do not be nice with people, please take the advice seriously.

Look where it brought me now. My so-called biological parents and little stayed for the week, so that they could work with my legal papers and transfer certificates. In the meantime, Alexa and I, well mostly Alexa, bond up with Cloe, my biological little sister.

After having lots of agreements with papa, and emotionally convincing mamma, they finally agreed with Laura and Stefan to take me to Seattle. And I had no say here. The court agreed and there was no opinion of mine over the court, at least not till I'm eighteen, according to American laws.

Mamma and papa agreed in the end, they told me it'll be better for me if I gave them a try. Maybe they will make up for the lost years.

But I doubt that will ever happen. No one can replace my family. Family is not the people that gives you birth. It is the one who gives to life. The people who accepts you for who you are, all you goods and bad, the people who gives a you a reason to live, be there for you in your best and worst. They are your home, where you will forever feel safer than any other place in the world and outside of it. Home is where your heart is, and for me it was papa, mamma, and Alexa.

Though I was not especially close to papa, but he was there when I needed all of their support most, especially when Luna- after they-

Let us not think about it, shall we? My inner voice said. It was right in away. It has been a month since I had my last traumatized dream, some people like to call it anxiety. But I prefer the term nightmare. It gives me less reason to worry about it.

As if I did not have enough in my plates already!

And with everything going around, it also kept my nightmares away. It has been a week since the Finches came and took it to court.

There wasn't much about it after mamma and papa agreed to give away my custody to the Finches though.

Just one week. One week and I've turned from Stella Morris to Stella Finch. Pathetic how life can change in one week.

The goodbye wasn't much less from what I had expected. It was easy with my school and friends, especially school, but it wasn't easy for both me and my family to let go. But the decision was already made.

The heartbreaking departure made Laura, my happened-to-be-mother cry too. What was funny was that my happened-to-be-father was sniffing too. But Cloe was as clueless as a five years old can be in such cases.

The hardest thing was to say Alexa goodbye. Even though we fought like cats and dogs, we were always very close.

But that wasn't all. Now not that I had to leave my family, my life, my home behind, I have to deal with all this shit of new information but also move out of the country where I grew up and start a new chapter of my life in a completely strange new state with new people.

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