Chapter Four: Introduction & New Friends

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Chapter 04: Introduction & New Friends

I stared at the ceiling for a long time. I tossed around the bed with a groan and my eyes meet an unfamiliar sight.

It took me a few seconds to remember where I was. And everything from the past few weeks came back to my mind.

I sat up and glared at the open window where the sun was grinning evilly.

"Fuck off!" I exclaimed. It didn't even budge.

You may find many who like to wake up this way. But I'm afraid I'm not one of those. Another reason for me to hate Disney princesses. Seriously, who wakes up beaming like a thousand-watt bulb when sunlight is coming through the open window?

I was very tired last night which explains the open windows. I picked up my phone to see what time it was.

When my eyes contacted the digit 7:06 am, I was almost on the verge of throwing away my phone. But knowing that it would be nothing but foolishness, I placed it beside me on the bed and glared at the window again.

Feeling defeated and tired from the lack of sleep, I stood up only to be taken back by the room. It was twice bigger than my old one. The walls were painted lavender and violet. There was a huge bookshelf in one corner of the room and a desk beside it.

On the other side, there was a door which probably led to the closest. And an attached bathroom.

I went to the bathroom and finished my morning business. After changing into a turquoise blue t-shirt with blue jeans, I headed out of the closet and noticed the attached balcony of my room.

I took a step onto the balcony to have a look but ended up finding myself standing on the balcony of the second story of a two-story building.

But that was not even half of it.

There, in front of the building was a garden, and I could make out a kidney-shaped pool which the garden was surrounding. And the garden itself was surrounded by four buildings, three two-story buildings, and a smaller building. I could make out a small path between it and the building I was standing, which leads the way to a lake. The house itself was mind-blowing.

Then I realized Eva never walked me to the second floor. She walked me in the other direction. I was too drowsy to notice it till now.

A breathless me walked back inside the room.

Stupid annoying rich people! My inner voice screamed. What were they thinking before building this house? It's a freaking giant size mansion.

I was not often I agree with my inner-self. I mean there are only six people living in this place where thousands are dying around the world for the lack of shelter.

But that might make me sound like a nerd so I decided not to voice my thoughts out.

I opened the door of my room and looked from left to right, then right to left.

All I could see was a long corridor with cream color wallpaper and doors in the distance.

I could get a peek of the garden on the right side and decided to walk in that direction.

After a few minutes I gave up on finding my way to the kitchen and concentrated on finding the way out of the building. To make it worse, my stomach also started to make weird noises.

I knew this would happen! I was lost in my very own house.

"Damn freaking rich brats!" I exclaimed. Only if I asked Eva where the kitchen was.

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