Chapter Fourty Four: Amends & Threats

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Chapter 44: Amends & Threats

I turned in the corner and hid behind a bush in hearing range. Of course I wasn't going anywhere. I don't trust them by themselves.

"I'm sorry for everything," Len said after a while. "It was all my fault."

"You and I both know that's not the truth," Ryan said.

"But I-"

"You would stop that?" Ryan yelled. "I think Stella's right, let's deal with it like adults. I don't blame you for the accident. I was the one to drive."

Len wanted to say something but Ryan stopped him.

"I know what you'll say. That you're the one who suggested we go. But we also agreed. And I shouldn't have drunk drive. I shouldn't have-" whatever Ryan wanted to say, maybe that he shouldn't have joined to work for his dad, but he resisted himself. "The thing is, you shouldn't be sorry. You shouldn't have pitied me. Not then, not now. If there's anything you should've done is let it go. Maybe pretend it never happened."

"That's what Scott did right?" Len asked. "Noah too. They didn't pity you."

Ryan nodded. "We've been friends since forever I could remember. But it made me mad why you were not getting me. And there was Aubrey."

Len nodded. "I remember how she literally told everyone that you were so drunk and how you drove the car recklessly because you were jealous of Caden because he got the player of the season medal and received an offer from Stanford scouts thought he was a sophomore only. She also used the word like poor Caden, he deserved better friends." That bitch! How come she came to sort everything out with him after these?

Ryan nodded and said, "Dave from the baseball team came to visit me in the hospital and told me everything. I didn't believe it at first. Then I asked a few others and they confirmed it. But you that I would never be envious of something Caden had earned, don't you?"

Len nodded. "Of course. Jealousy was never one of your qualities."

"I'm sorry I was under the impression that you might have with her too. I got so mad about it. Then Scott told me later that you were never in it. In fact you weren't in school that day. But that was too late. I didn't know how to approach you in front of you. It's me who should be sorry."

Aww! Isn't that lovely?

Len engulfed him in a hug. "It's fine dude, I would never be mad at you. There were so many rumors. Even I believed some at some point and was mad at it. But it was just rumors. And you and I know about that better than anyone. We all have some flaws at some point."

They talked some more about their best childhood memories and Caden.

It seemed like he was an amazing guy. Too bad I never met him.

It was until Mr. Anderson called Ryan saying that they were leaving. They bid goodbye and Ryan started walking in my direction.

I hid myself behind the bushes. I heard footsteps falling and it stopped in front of the bush.

"I know you're there, now come out," Ryan said.

I stood up and grinned. "I didn't think you would notice."

I walked out of the bush and stood in front of him.

"Do me a favor and don't even think about joining the Secret Service or any sort of spying agency. You suck."

I narrowed my eyes. "That's not a nice thing-"

He cut me off with a quick kiss.

"We'll talk about it sometime later. I've to go now." And like that he was gone. Vanished inside the house. I stood there, too shocked to respond.

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