Chapter Five B: Lighten up & Truce

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Chapter 5.2: Lighten up and Truce

It laughed. Somehow that sounded nice yet unfamiliar. Then whoever it was, started to make its way where I was laying down. "Stella are you sure you are not high?"

"How do you know-" I stopped when I recognized the voice. Can I be more stupid? A Werewolf? Huh!

It was Ryan the whole time. I look up at him. It was the first time I was smiling. I mean he sure had a smug look on his feature every now and then, but not this kind of smile which was capable of flipping my heart.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, changing the tone of my voice.

"I can ask you the same," he took another step and stood in front of me.

He offered me a hand. I was about to accept it but then remember the event of the other day. So I shoveled it away and stood up. I brushed my pants and saw him smirking.

"So werewolves?" He couldn't finish the sentence before he cracked up.

I glared at him. He looked at my face and gathered himself together. But it was only for five seconds before he started to laugh again.

I crossed my arms and continued glaring at him.

"You know," he said. "I can always make you the female head of my pack. What do they call it again?"

I continued my glaring session. "I remember." He smirked and winked at me. "You can always apply to be my luna."

Hearing the word, I take my gaze down. She was named after it after all.

When I did not say anything, his laughter died and he walked closer. I didn't raise my head.

"I amsorry again." I could feel his breath. He was standing closer than I anticipated.

"It is fine," I told him and looked at him. He looked confused.

"Just that? Nothing else?" He asked me.

"What else were you expecting?"

"I do not know," he muttered. "At least something more than fine."

"Want me to slap you on the face? Kick your butt?" I suggested.

His face cracked up. "Maybe?"

I shook my head and smiled. "You are impossible. First you ran into my room looking worried. Then insult me. After that, like a creepy stalker, follow me in the garden and apologize."

He sighed. "I really am sorry. When me and Noah heard you, we got scared and came to check on you. The door wasn't locked. Then I found you in your bed screaming in your sleep. I panicked. So Noah told me to bring Phoebe. When I came back with her, you were already awake." He stopped speaking. I looked at his beautiful gray eyes. "I became nervous and scared at the same time. I could not figure out how to react. Sorry if I upset you."

I wanted to laugh at his little confession. He frowned seeing the amused look on my face.

Aww! He looked adorable, I thought.

"Are you kidding me? You insulted me all because you were nervous? Again, that was the only thing that came on your mind? How thick is your brain? Is it an already jammed math equation?" He wears glasses. He has to be a nerd. "You could've said how hot I am, but you-" I stopped before I embarrassed myself any farther. He stared at me blankly.

I sighed. Maybe I crossed my limit. "Forget about the last part," I muttered and he smiled.

"That reminds me," I continued, "What was Noah doing in your room in the middle of the night?" I looked at him smugly.

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