Chapter Thirty Two: Nightmares & Confessions

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Chapter 32: Nightmares and Confessions

I was running through the jungle with all my might. I wanted to pause and take a break but then heard loud footsteps.

I squealed and started running again through the woods despite my legs aching badly.

All I could think about was Luna's dead body laying on the ground when I ran out.

Have I made a mistake by leaving her behind? I wasn't sure if she was gone or not.

I could see lights somewhere ahead.

Locality, I'll be safe, I thought. The hope of living again rose inside me after a whole month Which also kept reminding me of Luna's face, last time when I saw her.

Just then, my right foot got stuck and I was pulled down. Groaning I turned around. My leg got stuck in a root. My foot was aching badly and I couldn't move even a single limb.

The footsteps from behind me were becoming louder. I tried to get up but I couldn't move, my knee was bleeding badly.

And the footsteps stopped. "Well, well, look whom we have found," I heard them snickering from behind me.

"You thought you could escape?!" He shouted. I closed my eyes and whimpered.

There was no escape for me from here. I shouldn't have hoped so high. This is the end of it, the end of my life.

Just then when I was about to give up, I heard shots. And more footsteps toward us.

But this time it was coming from the other direction. From the light.

"Hands up!" And then all of them started backing up. "You can't escape anymore."

More footsteps approached and I saw them finally. The police.

Those men started running in all directions. The police officers fired warning shots and started chasing after them.

I started sobbing loudly, then a lady officer noticed me. She kneeled down beside me and put a hand on my shoulder. When I flinched, she backed up.

"It's okay dear, it's over now," she said.

No it was not okay.

They should've come faster.

It can't be okay anymore.

Because the damage was done. Luna was dead.

But there was still a little hope that she might live, a voice said from inside me.

The officer led me out of the woods. There were many police cars there, they captured some of those people, who were now handcuffed and imprisoned. They told me they called my parents and they were already on my way.

I thought it would be okay, I'll be able to take it.

Oh boy, how wrong was I! The moment they brought Luna's body out I froze.

I could only see her face, the rest of her body was covered with white sheets. I knew what that meant.

She didn't survive the night.

The first light of dawn shone on her body.

When they were carrying her body to the ambulance.

I couldn't take it anymore. When they were passing by me I couldn't help but started screaming.

Someone shook my body. The police cars and ambulances in front of me turned into darkness. I blinked a couple of times before realizing I was dreaming, again.

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