Chapter Eighteen: Privileges & Parties

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Chapter 18: Privileges & Parties

"Are we done yet?" I asked as Alison applied more blush on my cheeks.

"Hold on a little bit."


Alison glared down at me. "You know if you don't stop it right now, I'm gonna-"

"She's trying to piss you. Don't let her get you," Phoebe warned her while applying some eyeliner on her own eyes.

Damn it! She just ruined my plans.

Alison continued her torture on me. Phoebe was doing her own makeup while I kept complaining about how long it was taking. I tried to catch some breathe. Did I mention I feel dead when people makes me go through this unbearable torture?

"Here you go," she said what felt like ages later. I sighed in relief and walked to the mirror. I almost didn't recognize the person on the mirror. She has her hair straightened, and few curls in the front. Her cheeks looked so pink and her eyes! God, I never knew my eyes could pop out like this.

"Damn girl! You look wonderful. I did a great job." Alison said. I didn't deny. She had done a pretty good job.

"Girl, you look hot!" Phoebe commented when she turns around, which makes me blush more and I rolled my eyes. I know I'm looking different than usual, but not hot.

"So you're implying I'm normally ugly?" I said to change the topic.

"Yeah something like that."

"Worst, but whatever keeps you from not going out with us tonight." Alison added.

"Stop! My poor heart can't bear it anymore." I faked cried.

They looked at each other and burst into laughter. I wiped my fake tears and walked inside the closet. I agreed that I would let them do my makeup if they let me choose the dress. Both Alison and Phoebe, much to their dismay, agreed on that.

So I putted on a crystal blue blouse and black denim with a jacket. It looked perfect outfit for a middle of December night.

I also ditched my sneakers and wore black boots just in case it snows and I might have to walk home.

I know I'm precautious.

Also crazy.

When I was get out of my closet, Phoebe and Alison praised on my choice of outfit.

Ignore the sarcasm.

They looked at their reflection on the mirror and try to look for any error in their looks. I rolled my eyes. "If you two aren't done in a minute, I'm leaving without you."

"I thought you didn't want to go to the party," Alison pointed out as she applied more mascara on her lashes. They looked like they're enchanted with love potion and couldn't take their eyes off the mirror.

"Whatever, just be done."

Finally, which felt like forever, the spell broke and they let go of that poor mirror.

Alison was our ride tonight as we were not sure if Scott or his friends were going tonight, probably not. And I couldn't risk my friends with Len and his companions.

We almost made it outside when Laura's voice broke the silence of the empty hallway.

I turned around and found my so-called mother practically walking-running to us.

"Is there anything you need?" I asked her, my voice seemed sincere much to my dismay. I coughed. "I mean we're about to leave."

She smiled. "Don't be silly girl! You can't leave like this, not until I take some photos of you. I heard you girls going to a party."

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