Chapter Thirty One: Face & Fears

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Chapter 31: Fears and Faces

"It was your bloody fault."

"No it's yours."

"How come it was my fault?!" I gasped.

"Because you were sleeping all day," Ryan recalled

"Never tell a girl she sleeps a lot!" I warned him.

"So are we admitting now?" The bloody bastard smirked.

"Shut up! You know what? I think you fall asleep too."

"So what if I did?" He raised a brow.

"Now are we admitting?" I tried to mimic his voice.

"Yeah and we're both dead now."

"Ugh, you sma-"

"Kids, is everything fine there?" The old lady, Camila, knocking the door asked.

"No!" We say in unison.

She sighed. "You guys seem to fight since you're here. Do you guys always fight like this?"

I wanted to deny that we were not, then remembering what we were doing all evening (nothing much; just eating each other's head off) I kept quiet.

Being the oh-so-good-boy Ryan was, he kept his head hung down.

I sighed. "We're sorry, it won't happen again."

Camila smiled. "It's fine sweetie. But-" she moved her gaze around. "Why are you two fighting inside the bathroom? What were you fighting over in the first place?"

There was an awkward pause. Both me and Ryan were looking at each other, in the hope of getting some answers.

Well, apparently, it happened when Camila let Ryan crash in the room beside mine. And we discovered the rooms had one and only linked bathroom.

We learned about it when both of us needed to use it, at the same time.

I told Ryan that he should be polite and me use it first. Then he can come in when I'm done. In reply Ryan told me to be feminist enough and let him use it first. And then one thing led to another and you know what usually happens after that.

"Doesn't matter anymore, I'll shower later," Ryan walked back in his room.

I looked at Camila and shrugged. If he thought I would feel bad and let him shower first, he was so wrong.

"Anyway I'm here to tell you dinner is ready. You can come down after shower, we'll be waiting for you." She said.

"You don't have to wait," I told her.

She knitted her eyebrows. "You don't tell me what to do!" And we left using the door of Ryan's room side.

I sighed and locked both doors before taking a warm shower.

How did they set a water heater in such an old mansion, I couldn't figure that out too.

Okay, I have to admit. I was so right about this place. It was so creepy. I heard bats flying outside when I was changing.

Then, the moment later, a loud wind blew outside, indicating the upcoming storm. The rooms were all renovated from the inside. So there was both electricity and heaters. Because the generator was running, not all the rooms had the connection. Even all the switches of my room weren't working.

I walked down the abandoned hallway and made my way to the dining hall. There was Camila, Ryan, and two servants waiting for me.

One of them pulled a chair out for me. The whole time, Camila and Ryan were in a deep conversation, ignoring me completely.

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