Chapter Six: Trust & Mistrust

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Chapter 06: Trusts & Mistrusts

Friday passed like a blur. We spent most of the day in the game room. I couldn't believe myself that I enjoyed all of their company. Well most of all of them. Jenn didn't feel like socializing with us.

But Cloe assured me it has nothing to do with me. She's always a bit like that.

And about previous night, I sure if Phoebe and Noah would keep their promises. But surprisingly, they did. They did not even press the matter. Like nothing had happened.

Phoebe and Ryan went back to Portland on the following Saturday. I was really upset that they won't be there in my new school but at least I will have Noah. Well, not them, Phoebe exactly. Ryan went back being the jerk he was being previously.

My brothers goes to Lakeside too but Jenn goes to the Bush High, so one person less to be bothered by. Not that I care.

When I thought Ryan and I would be friends, I was so wrong. So you all can shove the thought inside a cardboard box and post it to Greenland.

Things were going smoothly after they left, a peaceful house, some chaotic kids, two oblivious parents. My point about my parents was perfectly proven on Saturday night.

"Kids, we're leaving for Georgia tomorrow morning," Laura said. Len's head shoots up hearing the word leaving.

"When are you coming back?" He asked.

"Hopefully on Monday," Stefan replied. "Oh, Rick and Cloe will be going with us too."

The kids screamed in excitement. Jenn mirrored the grin of Len's face. I stare back and forth, then at Scott. He rolled his eyes and continued his dinner.

There's something I'm missing out. I send Len a questioned look.

Party, he mouthed.

Oh, so that's all the celebration's about, I thought and rolled my eyes and continued chewing my chicken, as Scott did earlier. No wonder we're twins.

My parents left early in the morning the next day, leaving me behind in a house that will be full of horny kids within a few hours.

"Len is it really necessary?" I asked him to sit on the couch. He looked up from his phone.

"Don't be ridiculous Stella," he said. "It'll be so much fun."

"I don't get what the celebration is about."

"Welcome party for you? Back to school after Thanksgiving?" I throw him a look.

He shrugged. "The independence after the suspension for four days? A weekend without parents? Whatever the reason is, the point is to have fun. A lot of kids will be coming."


"For the last time Stella-" Scott cut me, throwing the magazine he was reading on the table, "No matter how many times you plead, Len will not change his mind." We looked at our brother, who was grinning devilishly.

Scott wasn't much bothered by the arrangement. He said he doesn't care as long as no one gets in his way. Moreover, it didn't seem like anyone counted his opinion.

"You might want to stop convincing him and try to enjoy the peace as long as it lasts." He continued.

He was right, so what are they throwing a party? I can always stay in my room. Who can bother me there?

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