Chapter Thirty Six: One & All

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Chapter 36: One and All

Never in my life have I hated school or accompany of a friend this much. I'm not much of an extrovert myself, but I always like to be hang out with people I know. But today, I wish I never had.

Because when this particular friend is someone with whom you shared a kiss with not too long ago, not to mention it was your first kiss, and the same person whom you are crushing on so badly, will make you fee anything but good. Many times, I tried to point out that I wasn't interested in having his company.

But Ryan had other plans. It's been three days since he enrolled and I'm feeling like I've hired a new bodyguard. He would follow me wherever I go, even sit beside or behind me in all of the classes. We have most of the classes together which wasn't helpful either.

I keep sorting the books in my locker. It's lunchtime so Ryan might get hungry or annoyed or waiting and leave me alone.

But who was I kidding? I could feel him leaning patiently against the locker next to mine, as if he had all the time in the world. His weird bluish-gray eyes on me, as if he was trying to understand something.

I sighed and prayed silently to get rid of him.

"What do you want from me, Ryan?" I groaned. He backed off from the locker.

"Is it a crime to keep a friend company?" He asked innocently.

Huh! A friend he kissed and ignored the fact he meant? I think that kiss meant nothing to him. Of course, he kissed plenty of girls. He seemed expert in it too.

Maybe he thought it was only a kiss for me too. But he didn't know that it was my first and it seemed special to me.

But now I wished it never had happened.

"I'm the new boy here and I need someone to help me around."

I slammed my locker and glared at him. His face seemed so innocent that it made me more furious and I wanted to claw his face.

"New boy my foot! You went here for two years and I'm a student here only for two months." He shrugged. Bastard.

Some students passing by gave us a look. Few even stopped to listen. Ryan noticed them too.

"If you keep screaming at me like that, everyone will think we are an old couple badly in love."

And that would be too bad for you, right?

"You're not my suitor that you have to escort me everywhere. You don't owe me anything."

"But I want to stay with you. I enjoy your company," he frowned and pouted like a six-year-old.

"What do you want from me? And do not try to deny that you don't cause I know you do." I said firmly.

He considered the question for a moment then shrugged again.

"I won't deny but I'm not saying it right now either," he said. "Also I think you're right. I'm trailing behind you like a lost puppy for the whole week. I'll just eat with Scott and Noah today, see you in the next class."

For the first time since the last few weeks, he didn't meet my eyes when he spoke.

When he walked away, I let out the breath I was holding and leaned against the locker.

Also, I have to admit I felt a little pang of disappointment when he walked away, as if I've been pushing him away from me.

But I'm not sure if he feels anything for me or not. Sighing, I walked in the cafeteria to lunch with my friends.

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