Chapter One: Twists & Turns

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'You should never feel hopeless because difficult times always lead to better days. Difficult times are like dark clouds that pass overhead and block the sun. When we look more closely at the edges of every cloud we can see the sun shining there like
a silver lining.'

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Chapter 01: Twists & Turns

Out of all the things in the world it was the last thing I expected when I woke up that morning. The day was plain like any other day I woke up at seven had breakfast went to school with my sister and my best friend, Zara and attended boring lectures.

Especially Mrs. Wilburn, also commonly known as Mrs. Hitler in our school, lectures.

I've always found Mrs. Wilburn's voice to be particularly sleep-inducing and monotonous. Then, it does not help the fact that she teaches the one god-damned subject I dislike the most: social science.

Only three more minutes. . .
I took my pen in between my fingers and started to shake. "Come on!" I whispered, gloomily.

As if she could sense my thoughts, Mrs. Wilburn stopped her blubbering moments to stare towards me. As her crinkly dark eyes zoomed in on me, my heart skipped and I forgot to breathe.

Her monstrous gaze swiped from me to some girl in the back row and I sighed in relief.

Phew! That was a close call.

Now come on guys, it's social Science were talking aboutI do not see the point of this particular subject. It is like a compound of History, Economics, Geography, Civics, and Social Study. How can anyone like it?

Not that like I always hated this subject. But things changed. I have changed.

As she went back to continue her lulling speech I turned my head towards the clock.
Just one more. . .

Standing on top of our table in the crowded cafeteria Luna began to shout. "We will always be best friends, Stella!" her voice echoed the room.

She was glowing like a moon as she smiled at me. I was embarrassed to say the least. But her smile seemed to brighten at my horrifying expression.

I do not even want to think about her anymore. Or any of it.

Thinking about it reminds me how invaluable I was. I still was.

I have been through a lot. Maybe those days are gone now. The memories started to fade. But the wounds, the pain, they remained. They will always be a part of my life.

People will say sorry and you may forgive them, but how can you forget? After all, badges don't fix bullet holes.

And what was even worse? I can not talk about it to anyone. Not even to my best friends. Never had and never will. I thought there was no one who could understand me.

Because you are on your own. I learned it in a hard way.

I know what you will say that I shouldn't feel like this. That I am precious, I am important, it was not my fault. But that was not what they told me, all those people when she-

I shook my head now is not the time to Recall the past.

"Girls, you understand what it says?" The teacher was blurbing all by herself. No one paid her attention. Well, not really, there are still a few left for you know... "So..."

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