Chapter Twenty Seven: Roads & Adventures

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Chapter 27: Roads & Adventures

It was six in the morning when I went downstairs the next morning. There was no one around so I guessed they're still in bed. Or at the hospital or with the police, looking for Cloe. I opened the refrigerator to find something to eat.

"Morning darling."

I jumped hearing the voice and looked around only to find grandma Leslie on the kitchen counter.

"Oh hi...good morning," I sat on a tool on the opposite side.

"What are you making?"

"Pancakes, hope you like it." She said, without looking up at me.

"Only with a low amount of sugar."

She chuckled. "Noted."

"Do you need any help?" I asked her.

Is Stella okay? Someone please check her temperature.

I as per usual ignored it.

Okay I tried to help her. Let's just say cooking and I are not in the same book.

"I'm sorry, I'm of no use," I told her as she put some pancakes on the stove.

"Don't be," she told me as she rubbed her hands on her apron. "Not everyone is good at everything."

I stared. She's a lot better than the other one. Speaking of the devil, because of everything going around, they decided to extend her stay.

Grandma Leslie sat down on two plates. Usually people make me hear a few things when they find out about my terrible cooking skill. But she didn't.

"So Stella," I looked at her. "Tell me something about you." She handed me a plate and a cup of coffee.

"Like what?" I asked for a bite of the best pancake I've ever had.

"Anything. Everything. I know nothing about my own granddaughter."

"Okay, hi, I'm Stella Morris, now Finch. I'm sixteen, turning seventeen in August. I go to a private school here." She gave me a pointed look.

"Okay, I love painting. I don't like school but I like physics. I'm said to be a terrible singer. I always have the urge of speaking when and where I shouldn't."

She gestured to me to continue. "I...I don't know who and how I actually am and people, they don't even understand me or my points, ending up misunderstanding me more than often. And- and I don't even bother to correct them." I paused. I'm not sure I saw the tear running down my cheek more. I quickly hid the look with a tighter smile. "Enough about me. Now tell me something about you."

"Tell me how you feel about it." I blinked, not getting what she meant. "You know about the whole shifting here thing. Suddenly moving out of your life and coming here. Knowing that your own identity was hidden from you. New school and friends. Now with suddenly Cloe and Monica's kidnapping, Jenn attempting suicide. How you're dealing with it."

My eyes started watering by the thought. Till now, no one asked me these questions.

Not that you were really bothered.

"Honestly, I don't know how to feel. It's just too confusing. I don't want anyone to know how betrayed I felt. Not even myself," I paused. "I think I'm actually overwhelmed. I was feeling so insecure when she told me. I wanted to run away from everything. From my identity and from my life. It's so messed up. It has never been perfect. I needed a break. I wanted it. But still, they had no right to bring me here like this. Snatching me away from my family. I wonder how mamma and papa dealt with it. I was their daughter, fostering still one of two. They had no right to do this with them.

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