Chapter Fourty One: Sweat & Sweet

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Chapter 41: Sweat and Sweet

"You have five minutes remaining," Mr. Andrew reminded us.

I kept writing through the paper, ignoring the comment Ryan made.

It was already Monday, I spent the last two days working on this test. The retake of Mr. Andrew wasn't that difficult at all. Or the fact I've studied this time might be the reason I found it easy.

Ryan and I were the only ones taking the retest. And that made me feel dumb.

Even losers passed the exam and I got C.

"That's it, times up! Stop writing."

I closed the paper and handed it to Mr. Andrew. Ryan followed behind me.

"You don't need to shout, there were only two of us," Ryan told him handing the paper.

"Old habit," Mr. Andrew shrugged, ignoring the sass. "I'll check up your papers right now so wait till I'm done."

We went back to our previous seat. Mr. Andrew started with mine and I felt my heart skipping and sweating in mid-February.

Please God, let it be more than B, pleaseeeeeeeeeee.

Knowing I won't stop worrying and turned away from him to Ryan, who wasn't even half mind. He crossed his arms and swung his legs on the desk leaning back on his chair.

Seeing him so relaxed made me more frustrated and anxious. So I turned back to the blank board.

After ten minutes, Mr. Andrew gave us our papers back. He looked at Ryan.

"Not bad Mr. Anderson as per usual," he gave Ryan his paper.

Then he came over to my desk. "You too Miss Finch." I closed my eyes while turning the papers around. "I expect you to do better next time."

When I opened them it was a flying 92%.

I sighed. Beside me, Ryan seemed casual while I wanted to fly to the moon.

"You passed right?" I asked him, though a part of me thought it was the dumbest question ever, just look at those glasses.

When Ryan showed me his paper, let's just say I didn't want to fly to the Moon anymore, next time maybe.

"You two are dismissed, you know," Mr. Andrew told us. "Just get out, I have my enough share of seeing your faces everyday."

Now I know why he didn't mind Ryan sassing.

"Miss Finch, I think you took my suggestion seriously. Keep it till the end of the year, I want to see better than this on your final mark-sheet." I nodded.

"Thank you Mr. Andrew for giving me the chance. Also for opening my eyes," I said.

"It's not me Miss Finch, it was all you who did it. I just happen to knock your brain. And don't thank me. Do me a favor and keep this continued."

I wished him afternoon before leaving the room.

"Ready?" Ryan asked, who was waiting for me outside. I nodded and went to my locker to get my things.

It was almost four and only a few students were left.

"You're riding home with me right?" Ryan asked, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"Well, Len doesn't stay after school anymore," I told him. The seasonal matches were over and the scouts visited last week. Most of the senior classes were over too, now they're waiting for getting accepted in colleges.

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