Chapter Eleven: Woods & Troubles

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Chapter 11: Woods and Troubles

The next morning, I was thrown off my bed with a loud thud. "Get your lazy ass off the bed Stel!"

I rubbed the side of my head where it hit the floor. It took a while to wear off the sleep. When my vision cleared, the first thing I noticed was that I wasn't in my room. And a very high temp Phoebe.

"What happened?" I groaned.

"That blond friend of yours happened."

I stood up and remembered that I was at Phoebe's place. Well that's what sleep does to me.

"What has Caleb done this time?"

I was quite surprised to know that Caleb is a family friend of Ryan and others. He didn't seem to be quite in a friendly term in school with Noah and Scott. After Phoebe explained the whole situation, Caleb apologized not to tell me before.

"He somehow managed to unlock my phone and set an alarm with a ghostly ringtone at five-thirty. And I'm up from then."

I chuckled. "Laugh all you want." She glared and crossed her arms. "Don't forget Karma happens."

"Sure," I replied amusingly.

"Change and be at the kitchen soon. It's almost nine."

She left and I locked the door after her. After taking a shower and changing into something comfortable, I went through the excuse of a hair of mine. Even though I put them in a ponytail before going to bed, they ended up like a bird nest.

After they turned into something presentable, I put them in another ponytail and I opened the door. Walking down the hallway, I noticed Ryan standing not far away.

"Morning," he looked up at me and straightened himself.

"Morning Stella." He fell in steps with me.

"So," I said after a while. "What's up? Were you waiting for me?"

He scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Well, I was wondering when you wanted your pizza?"

It took me a while to remember what pizza he was talking about. I looked at him. "You remembered?" I bet I was looking like a dork with the smile plastered on my face.

He frowned. "Why won't I remember? It was last night. There was no pizza parlor on the way. I'm always true to my words."

I rolled my eyes.

"What was that?" He asked. I shrugged nonchalantly.

Before he could ask me again, we reached the kitchen doorway and found a pancake flying across the room. I looked at him in surprise and he mirrored my look.

"Let's find out." He nodded and stepped in first and I followed him. Scott and Noah were having breakfast in the middle with another girl whom I didn't recognize. And from the left side, Phoebe threw another slice of bread to the opposite side. My eyes followed it and landed on Caleb who ducked in time.

"Stop being violent," He said, shielding his head with his arms. "I was just trying to help you."

"This is not the way you help someone. You could've just stayed back!" She screamed.

"Calm down you two," Ryan and I asked at the same time. I looked at Ryan and asked again. "What happened?"

Caleb cleared his throat. "You see-"

"Nothing!" Phoebe cut him off harshly and sat down on the chair. "Let's start breakfast."

Ryan looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I shrugged and took a seat beside her.

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