Chapter Thirty Eight: Love & Him

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Chapter 38: Love and Him

Everything was red and golden. The curtains, the stage, the balloons. The walls were too, and gold besides. The ceiling was the only white surface anywhere within fifty feet. Crystal chandeliers hung from above, glittering in the light of hundreds upon hundreds of candles. It was huge, the ballroom, and I haven't noticed it till today, I might've passed by it, but never bothered to check what this place was. It was quiet in a manner of speaking. You could hear people chattering among groups, some were surrounded by crowds. In the middle, there was the dance floor, low music was playing by.

It should've been pleasant, it was actually, for most people. But I wasn't one of those lucky ones.

Coming here was the worst decision I've ever taken.

I should have stayed home with my pizzas and movies.

Not that it would be much different than standing in the corner with chocolates I've taken from the table.

The moment Ryan and I stepped inside, we were surrounded by the items of the school. Most of the senior and junior items knew him, so it shouldn't have surprised me. But I wasn't used to this Ryan, the popular one. I was more familiar with I'm-so-mad-at-the-world-that-I-might-shoot-the-Earth.

Apparently it's them who've shot out the fact of his absence of two years or what even happened with him.

Or maybe they're heads were so thick that the neurons of their brain weren't able to work clearly.

Either way they made it clear that I should leave them alone.

But the jerkface thought otherwise. It was so sweet of him to reject their invitation and continue with me.

Now that I think of it, I think he felt pity upon me.

What surprised me was people were actually dancing on the dance floor. Not those twenty-first-century party types, but actually those duel dances or whatever it is called.

An actual ball. Honestly the whole thing seemed like a joke to me even when it shouldn't have been.

Ryan said that we should dance but I didn't feel so.

Well honestly it was because I can't. I can't dance, okay? They don't teach you that in all-girl private school. Or not in the one where I was.

But Ryan really wanted to. I could see that in his eyes. And I didn't want to be one who held him behind. He's a free guy of his own. So I insisted him to go with someone else, much to his protest.

One of the girls who was ogling him since we arrived, happily accompanied him.

Now he was on his third dance. With a third girl.

I narrowed my eyes on the dancing couple, so much for 'I don't want to leave you alone'.

But I would never admit loudly how jealous I felt.

Are you out of your mind? I sighed. Of course I had it coming. Since he announced he wanted to come back. And I don't see any wrong if he wanted to be the guy he once was.

Sure he still follows me around the school, but it won't be long he will be doing better than following me around.

I was right to think he'll go back and be the boy he once was. It was bound to happen. It always happens. And much to my dismay, the idea saddens me.

More than I thought it was capable of.

I don't fancy him. But I like him, a lot, I admit. But that doesn't mean he felt the same.

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