Chapter Ten: Guilty & Forgiven

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Chapter 10: Guilty and Forgiven

Though he tried to hide it, the breath of relief Ryan let out when the roller coaster came to an end didn't go unnoticed by me. I panted and looked three seats ahead of us. Natasha didn't wait for the guy next to her getting out, instead she jumped out of her seat.

"Now I'm feeling bad for her," Ryan said, leaning back, which earned him a glare from me.

"So you're saying I should've let her sit next to you instead?"

Ryan stumbled and turned to face me. "That's not what I meant," he said. "But even you have to agree she had had enough."

My frown deepened. "So you're feeling sorry for someone who insulted your best friend in front of everyone?"

"Honestly he isn't less of-" I held up my hand. "I get it. All of it. If that's what you want," I pointed where Natasha went, "You should go and make sure she's okay. And from the next time, I'll make sure you stick with her."

"I think you're-" I walked out of the roller coaster, didn't bother to wait for anyone. Inside the food court, it wasn't hard to find Phoebe and Noah, with piles of food and barking at each other.

"What did I miss?" I asked and sat between Phoebe and Noah.

Phoebe looked at me. "Nothing but the usual," She offered me some french fries. "Here have some, you must be starving."

I took the packet from her, Noah was still into his nachos and didn't bother himself to greet me. I ate some nachos from him and that's when he noticed my presence.

"Hey that's mine, get your own," he frowned.

"Come on, sharing is caring," I said and took another. Soon Scott joined, still overwhelmed by the ride.

I on the other hand, was still full of energy. When I voiced my thoughts, he said, "That's because of the excitement. Don't worry, it won't last long and you won't even want to get up tomorrow."

I shrugged and my eyes fell on the figures coming in our direction. Natasha's chestnut hair was looking like a birds nest and her dress- well not what it looked like hours ago.

I told you, wearing a dress was a bad idea. Kids, I hope you learn something from her.

Even though she was overwhelmed, I knew without any doubt she was making the situation more dramatic by gluing herself with Ryan, who, like a concerned whoever he was trying to be, helped her to walk and sat her beside Scott and sat next to her.

By the way Scott was looking at her like she's a guinea pig sitting next to him, who by the way, still hadn't let go of Ryan.

"Nat, are you fine?" Phoebe asked. "You're looking like a monkey."

I choked on my food. Noah split his drink.

History does repeat itself.

"Sorry about that," he said, trying his best to muffle the laugh.

Ryan glared at us, or at me. I raised an eyebrow and he looked away.


I rubbed my hands on my jeans. "Natasha," I said. "You look sick. Do you wanna go home?"

She glared at me. "No I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You don't look fine to me. At least go to the washroom and clean up. Your-" I indicated her hair. "Doesn't seem fine. Dress too."

"I told you not to wear this," Phoebe said and stood up. "I'm going to grab some drinks. Stella wanna come with me?"

"Sure," I replied.

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