Chapter Fourty Seven: Flights & Folks

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Chapter 47: Flights and Folks

I don't think anyone in my position would mind the fact spring holidays came before they knew, but for someone who has murderers to catch, that's a whole different world.

Especially knowing I have to face my past. Not my fosters, I'm dying to see them again, but the town I left long ago. It's not like we had any other options.

Even a month ago, if someone had told me to be a part of such a mission, I would've died from joy. I wish I still felt the same.

But reality is always cruel.

Especially after knowing not only it had something to do with Luna's death, but also the probabilities of it afterward.

Ryan and I kept our discussion with Camila among ourselves. He was as lost as I was. At least we had each other to share. Otherwise I would've gone mental or something.

Dad and his friends chose the persons who were going on this mission themselves. Of course I was in there, including Ryan, Caleb, Hannah, and Xavier, a guy I didn't know. Then there were agents that Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Caleb's parents had hired, for our protection or something.

"Life's not fair," Noah pouted as he helped us to carry our luggages in the car. Well that would be an agreement.

He was so sour that he had to stay home and babysit Jeff, while we were about to have all the fun, even Scott. Well they needed someone trustable and responsible for staying here, and he seemed perfect for the job.

"But I was always a part of it!" Noah yelled like a baby, "You can't tell me to stay home now."

"You have to understand son," his father said, "it's important for someone trustable to stay here."

"That could've been Caleb too." He pointed at Caleb who just got the confirmation of coming with us. Who also happened to be playing a very serious level of his Candy Crusher at that moment.

"Trustable and reasonable," Mr Harris added.

"Are you talking about me?" Caleb said after a moment. The room fell into silence.

So there was nothing left to say.

"Even Scott the freak is going too," Noah muttered.

"I can hear you!" Scott yelled from the other side.

Well that's something to blame on that. His overconfidence could reach higher. He thought discussing the file and this mission plan with mom in our kitchen was safe. Like no one would overhear them.

But when they were talking, Scott was passing by and he overheard. He got furious and charged them with questions. But none of them provided an answer.

So he yelled at them and got out of the house, waiting for my arrival. Just when he was asking me and Ryan, dad came out of the house, along with Stacy and Louis who came to visit us for the weekend.

So finding no other way we explained everything to them, well almost everything, we don't want any of them to suffer brain stroke. Then they started insisting that they wanted to come too.

But dad said no to them. So they blackmailed him that if they can't come, they would tell everyone about it.

Scott kept reasoning and yeah he was right, going to my protective fosters home with only friends who were mostly boys wasn't wise at all.

Now three of them were going with us. Mom wasn't much against the idea, because Louis is a very responsible brother, though I told her the agents and Ryan were more responsible.

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