Chapter Fifty Three: Everything & Nothing

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Chapter 53: Everything and Nothing

I waited in the back of the ambulance where the nurse helped me with my injuries. There weren't many, just a few bruises and cuts.

A lot less than the pains of my heart. If only they could take it away too.

Everyone was more or less injured. Police came over as soon as Teresa called.

The police were there within minutes and spread around the forest.

Some of Jordan's men died, but most were arrested, well most who didn't run away.

But this time, Jordan was arrested too and taken to jail.

The police asked what had happened. That was a big problem because I didn't know what to say. The truth wasn't an option.

That's when Miles came up and handled it well. He was mildly injured but nothing he couldn't take care of. Or that's what he just quoted.

Miles told the police he and his crew are our bodyguards. We were out for sightseeing when Jordan and his men chased us. He said our parents were multi-millionaires so maybe they were sent by one of their rivals.

Hearing multi-millionaires, the officer's attitude changed within a second. They said they would take the case seriously.

I rolled my eyes. Of course they would.

But neither Ryan, Scott, Hannah, or Xavier were much injured.

But Caleb, he was still missing.
When Jordan was arrested, he wasn't shot anywhere.

Which meant the bullet had shot Caleb, and he was the one who was screaming.

There was no sign of him. We weren't allowed to see the dead bodies for identification yet. I hoped he wasn't dead.

Because that would mean he died while trying to save me. He could've ran away, but he chose to help me.

And his parents! After Caden's death, would they be able to take it? They would hate me forever for taking their son from them.

The officers asked Jordan what had happened to Caleb. But he refused to say anything. I asked him why he had to end Luna's life like that. Ryan asked him about the accident which caused Caden's life. But he answered none. Might be his way of seeking revenge.

The officers think it's either that Caleb had gotten out or he was dead and his body fell from the hills. The river was down the hills so if he wasn't conscious then there was a big possibility his body rolled down there.

Though the officers said they would continue looking for him. My heart sank thinking of him. I already missed his childish attitude, his retorts, how he would take everything so easily. His no care of the world behavior.

"How are you doing?" Scott asked standing in front of me. I looked up. He wasn't hurt much, just a bruise on the left side of his face.

"Fine and glad to see you alive," I said.

"I know it's not the right time but I want you to know that I'm really really sorry," he said.

I sighed. I wanted to stay mad at him. I didn't want to do anything with him. But after all this, knowing Caleb might be possibly dead because of me, I don't feel myself less innocent. "Well at the end of the day we all did something bad."

I patted next to me. "Don't keep standing there."

He hesitated at first, but then sat down. I rest my head on his shoulder. At first, he tensed.

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