Chapter Fourty Two: Confirmation & Officials

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Chapter 42: Confirmation and Officials

By six, our house was very crowded. Dad invited his friends and their family for dinner, so there were like a hundred people running around the house.

Not really but you know what I meant.

I wasn't friends with many of the children of his friends and I hate crowds. So I decided to stay in my room till dinner. Phoebe was supposed to come too obviously, but she hadn't reached yet.

I was reading Winter and became so addicted to the series that I couldn't help myself but read it in one go. I reached almost one-third of the book when I heard a knock on my door.

It was turned on by Ryan and he graced me with his mighty presence.

"There's no point in knocking the door if you want to go around with your mischievous way," I told him while placing a bookmark on the page I was reading before.

Ryan shrugged. "At least you would be warned that way, who knows what you were doing." He made his way to my bed and I felt the other end of the bed dipped.

"And what would I be doing?" I asked. "Don't you dare to get on my bed with shoes!"

But who was I kidding? He ignored me and literally jumped on it and turned around to face me. "Undressing?" He asked innocently, his lips twisted up.

"And you would like that to happen right?"

"You know me," he said with a wink. I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously get rid of those shoes, Eva gets livid if she finds dirt on the bedsheets," I told him.

He kicked his shoe off and crossed them in yoga style. "Yeah yeah, no need to tell me, I was going to anyway."

This of course earned him an eye roll from me.

"Here I was looking out for my girlfriend who was alone in her room when the whole place is crowded like the city of New York and brought her snacks," he held up the sandwiches he brought, "and all I get is talk on shoes," he finished, pouting his face.

He used that g-word again, which by now I think he was doing on purpose. I could tell by the way he was looking at me for a reaction, which he wasn't getting, much to his disappointment.

"What do you want?" I asked instead. I stood up from my bed to put the book back to the shelf. He followed me behind.

I created a pretty good collection since I got here, some were the ones I managed to get from home.

Home, I wasn't sure anymore if that was only my home.

Of course I loved mamma, papa, and Alexa like hell, I still did, but these people here were becoming my loved ones too, this place was becoming my home too.

I decided to stop being the teenager I was and face the world.

I've already started calling Stefan and Laura mom and dad, accepting Len, Scott, Jenn, Rick and Cloe as my siblings, I've become comfortable with this place long ago.

I should let this urge go completely too.

Of course back there was my home, my family, but accepting this place as home, people as family won't change anything. If mom and dad weren't divorced, this place would have always been my home, my family, I wouldn't have been sent there, would never have met mamma, papa, Alexa or anyone there.

I would never have met Luna.

Maybe Granma Leslie was right when she said everything happens for a reason. Life isn't always rainbows and flowers, but not everything is bad. There's always some good in it, like the way there's always some bad in good.

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