Chapter Fourty Eight: Reality & Reunited

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Chapter 48: Reality and Reunited

Our apartment was just as it was before we left. Nothing much changed in the previous few months.

There wasn't much change in my room, mamma hasn't taken down myself like she said she would once I leave for college.

It was like I never left.

When our plane landed it was early morning here. Papa was in office for some important work so uncle Jade, mamma's brother came to receive us. Even and others went to the grand house, promising they would all come for dinner.

Anyway, mamma and Alexa with my cousins, two daughters of uncle Jade were waiting for us outside our apartment, or should I say their apartment. It was until we were inside that mamma told me she invited the whole family for dinner.

Good that she and papa didn't have as many siblings as mom and dad. Papa had a brother only where mamma had two brothers and a sister.

She told us to settle down, as there wasn't much room for all of us, Hannah will be sharing my room and Stacy will be with Alexa, where the boys will be in the guest room.

I settled down my things on the floor and sat down in front of my desk. My books had been piled up but nothing was thrown away. It was till then I realized how much I missed it here.

This was my home for so long. Then a thought came in my mind. Would I be able to face my old town?

You have to, you did nothing wrong. If you can accept the reality and let the past go, you can do this too.

Letting the past go, it wasn't as easy to do as it is to say. If you think I forgot about everything that easily, think again.

If those memories haunt me for five years, how would they be gone in a blink of an eye?

But yeah, it's no longer as often as it used to be. The last time I had those nightmares was a month ago which usually used to be two or three weeks, which was a good start I think.

Alexa was standing next to the door. "So Ryan, huh?"

I became alarmed. "What about him?"

"Don't you dare to play with me. Isn't he the boy who annoyed the hell out of you when you first went there?" She smirked. "Looks like things have changed a lot. Well I knew this would happen."

"All hail to the cupid Alexa," I said sarcastically.

"Whatever, deny it if you want, though I think that would be for the best, cause the last thing we want is that poor boy dead. Knowing papa and our grandfather and uncles, that won't be far away if they heard."

"Good keep it that way," I told her.

"Though I don't think I've seen any Phoebe, Alison and Tyler among them. I thought they were your closest friends."

I knew this question would come along. "Umm, yeah, but they had other plans. Next time?" I said. "Oh and mom and dad told me to invite you all for Summer."

She walked inside and sat down on the bed. "I'm not sure about mamma and papa, but I would surely come."

I smiled. "Good, that way we can spend a lot of time together."

"Yeah," for some reason she seemed off.

"Alex," I said. "Is everything okay?"

She looked at me. If one thing we were both bad was lying to each other. So she didn't try. "Are you really settled down there? Like blend in the crowd?"

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