Chapter Fifty One: Games & Ends

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Chapter 51: Games and Ends

"Hello again Luna, I'm sorry I'm too late," I said to Luna's grave, hoping she might be able to listen to it too.

"I- I don't know what to tell you, this wasn't supposed to happen so soon. You weren't supposed to leave me this early. We were supposed to grow old together. You said we would have each other to lean on when things turned bad. And you said if a guy ever came near to breaking my heart, you would hunt him down. Then we'll graduate high school, you'll leave for your dreams and I'll leave for mine. Then around our mid-thirties we would meet each other again. Maybe we would find love, maybe not. You said our children would grow up together like us. Then I gross-out and told you I would never get married and most certainly never carry a child, let alone plural. Then you said to wait and see." A tear ran down my cheeks. "I asked if it'll ever be true. And you told me to trust me. I trusted you. But you didn't keep it."

More tears started falling. "You broke your promise. You left me in the possible worst time of my life. I know it's not true but I felt like you took an easy escape. For a long time I blamed you for leaving me. But I'm sorry. I'm so sorry it happened to be you. You had a dream, you wanted a life. You wanted a family. A guy who would say he loves you. But now I realized I'm the one who's getting all of them. You don't know how my life has changed since you left."

I started sobbing. Mentally telling her all the changes in my life. Of my biological family. Of papa and mamma adopting twins, of the betrayal of Zara and Christine, about my new friends. About Ryan. Mostly about Ryan. How he knows everything and all.

It wasn't enough. If I start telling her everything, it would never end. "So this is a goodbye my friend, my bestie, I promise to keep you alive in my memories. If I ever have any children, I'll tell them about you. How brave you were. Your plans, your sacrifices for me. How you helped me when I thought my family was falling apart."

Just a few months before her death, papa was promoted and transferred to the capital. We wanted all of us to move there. But mamma had a job here, so she didn't want to leave. They had an exchange of heated words almost every night. Though it was solved before we were kidnapped. Mamma got called from a big company in the capital, but then the problem was me and Alexa. We had spent our whole life there. We had friends. It wasn't easy to make us agree. But when Luna died, I had nothing left here. Alexa said she wanted to move out too. Thus we left the day of her funeral.

"I'll tell them all about you. You gave me this life. I'll leave one life for the two of us. I'm not coming back anytime soon, this place isn't welcoming anymore without you. I want memories of this town to only be with you in it."

I closed my eyes and lay the flowers on her grave. I turned around and paused.

Luna was standing in front of me. She smiled. She was young. Didn't look more than five.

She gestured a hand to follow me.

I thought I was hallucinating. But it felt so real. So I followed her. She ran through the cemetery and I did the same.

But I heard footsteps from behind me. I heard my name. But I didn't turn around. I didn't want to lose her again.

Suddenly I was jerked and turned around. I wanted to free myself but the firm grip kept me on the place.

"Let me go or I'll lose her," I said.

"You'll lose who?" The person said. I blinked at the voice.

It brought me back to reality. I blinked more and met the person's eyes. Ryan looked horrified. He gripped me tightly. Suddenly I eased in his arms and leaned against him. His arms slipped around me and a hand was massaging my hairs.

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