Chapter Fourty Five: Doubts & Canlis

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Chapter 45: Doubts and Canlis

Ryan drove us to the restaurant that was written on the message. Canlis was only twenty minutes drive away from Gloria's cafe, where we were.

"Are you sure it's safe to go there without anyone knowing?" I asked Ryan.

"I thought about it too, but the last thing we want is the person to get mad, who knows what he'll do," he replied. "But I've called dad already. He stationed a group outside the restaurant. If they find anything fishy, they would be immediately on action."

I nodded my head. "Do you think it's Jeff?"

"He's least of my concern. I'm not sure why it makes you think otherwise, but that boy is totally a coward. But if he stepped up to help us, he totally meant it. As for the message, let us not think about it until we reach there."

"Okay, let's talk about something else," I suggested. "How about you and Len? Are you two best friends again?"

He shook his head. "I won't say that. We acknowledge each other's presence these days, but life doesn't pause for anyone. Time passed, we moved on, I've changed. Things would never be the same again. Better we leave it there now that we're on good terms."

"And about Aubrey, why didn't you tell me what she did to you?"

He sighed. "We all have our secret Stella. Why did you skip the last part? What they've done with Luna, why didn't you tell me?" He asked instead.

I kept quiet. He had a point.

I folded my hands on my lap."Well because I don't think it was my place to say. Her parents won't let the forensic test the body, and I thought I should respect that decision. But you're right, we all have a little secret."

Ryan put his right hand on mine. "It's okay, you don't need to explain yourself," there was a pause. "Aubrey just didn't say I was a pathetic jealous freak but she also assumed that I was high on drugs and let the words fly around the school, the coach suspended me from playing for the team. Len became the captain so naturally I assumed he was with her in it too. Then he came to visit me in the hospital, coincidentally Aubrey was there too.

"I heard the bad news earlier and so I was livid. I wanted nothing but to kill them at the moment. I shouted at them and told them to get lost. The nurses came in and got rid of them. I already had no intention of going back to that school because of the memories of Caden, and after that I wanted nothing but leave the city. I told my parents and they understood. And that's why we moved out. Until we taught me to face my fears." He finished.

I blushed. "I didn't, I ran away."

He shook his head. "You didn't run away, moving out was necessary for your dignity too. But what you've experienced and still alive till this day, facing the world, that's brave."

"Aww, aren't you the sweetest boyfriend ever?" I cooed.

"I've been told," he said cockily. When he got a blank look from me, he continued, "hey that's true! I am a sincere and caring boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes. You can expect this kind of reply from Ryan only.

"So then why had Aubrey wanted to talk to you again?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, out of guilt? She said she wanted to sort things out. I told her I had forgiven her."

"Did you really?" I asked.

"Well what to do now, I'm a nice soul after all."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Anyway I told her things between us were over and I've moved on."

That pretty much says everything.

"So we're here," Ryan announced after a few minutes. I looked outside. It looked cozy.

I stepped out of the car along with Ryan after he parked the car. He took my hand in his.

"Here goes nothing," he said as we stepped inside. I really hoped there was nothing.


Canlis was comfortable, it wasn't crowded much and every table had separate cubicles. Which is a nice thing if you want to plan someone's murder.

The receptionist saw us and greeted us. "Names?"

"Ryan Anderson and Stella Finch. But we don't think we've-"

"Oh great, your table is over there, Ms. Hickleman has arrived earlier so let me lead the way." The man led us to our supposed to be booked table.

"I didn't guess our table was booked," I said.

"And I didn't guess it's a lady," Ryan said.

"Hey that's sexist of you!"

He stopped walking and turned around. "You know what's sexist?" He asked. "You are hiding behind me using me as a shield."

Then taking me out of surprise, he pushed me in front of him and followed behind.

The man didn't notice the exchange of words between us. Or didn't bother himself with that.

"Here's your table." He gestured a hand toward the table. There was a lady sitting there. When she heard the receptionist, she looked up with a smile.

I gaped, Ryan cursed behind me.

"Thanks for showing them the way," she told the receptionist. He bowed and talked away. Then she turned at us.

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Love, Sheona.

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